Veteran's "Always Prepared" passive should switch positions with the "Volley Adept" passive

The whole point of the Veteran is to shoot at enemies and the +25% extra ammo granted by the “Always Prepared” passive allows you to do it more which is a good thing.

People who want to play with the other two bottom skill tree lines should not be locked out of the valuable extra max ammo perk just because they want to play with the “For the Emperor!” and the “Close Quarters Killzone” ability modifiers.

Developers, please switch the positions of the two passives “Volley Adept” and the “Always Prepared”. Thank you.

Why the “Volley Adept”? Because the Veteran’s left talent tree is represented by the Rambo dude smoking a ciggie while hip firing a Heavy Stubber and he also wears a big ammo backpack that feeds his Heavy Stubber with ammo. It fits. Also please give the Veteran Heavy Stubbers and Hot-Shot Volley Guns. Thank you again.


I think it’s a better idea to switch with Opening Salvo, which is on the same level as adding grenades and expanding the ammo box functionality.
In this way, it is not too early, nor too late, at a medium depth

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I agree with everything, especially the part about cigars, stubbers and volleyguns.

Give this man a job.


And its right where Orgyn have the EXACT SAME TALENT. Not similiar. The exact same talent. For cheaper.

ObeseTubaFish is showing itself to not only be utterly and completely incompetent morons but total hypocrits playing favorites.

Well good thing my new wallet that automatically slams closes and welds itself shut arrived yesterday. No more money for the idiots running this show. And if I lived in a nation with halfway consumer protection laws I would get back every penny spent after the first purchase as well. Congratulations morons running this game. You have officially managed to surpase Verant, Blizzard, and NCSoft in the sheer incompetence department. At this rate people are going to be comparing Gacha games favorably to your junk.


Nice notion, but my initial impression with new vet is, that this whole class deserves another rework.

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Yes, I can’t understand why the same talent of a veteran is more difficult to obtain than ogryn, and not in the same positional depth.
And the veteran is a class based on long-range weapons, he should have better talents, 25% is not enough, the original 40% is more suitable.

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This could also work, good suggestion.

At this point I think the majority of players who “main” the class would rather ObeseIdiots just reverted things back to patch 14 and never touched it again under pain of having their hands chopped off.

Because ObeseIdiots are playing blatant favorites with a group of YouTubers who have a pronounced anti-Veteran agenda, a love of spam-level stupidity, and absolutely no idea or concern for other players.

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