Veteran Tier 3 Talents are pretty useless for himself

As the title say Tier 3 Talents are trash for the veteran himself bringing nothing to benefit him.

Bio optic targeting: no benefit for the vet. Only for the party.
Demolition team: No benefit for psykers, Ogryns barely use grenades. And again for vet the chance is too low to see it making matter.
Covering fire: no benefit for the vet. I think other members in melee wont miss this anyway.

Vet is a support classe some might say but cmon. Its trash anyway. Talents that bring 0 utility to the own class AND the party sucks.

Please Fatshark reword this.

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Bio-Optic Targeting is arguably the veterans BEST talent, believe me your team will very much appreciate that talent being used, especially when you hear 2 hounds, 2 mutants, and god knows whatever other mutants decide to jump your party. You might think it does YOU no good, but the sheer assistance it brings to your team is monumentous, don’t take it for granted.


Are you trolling? Vet is head-and-shoulders above the other classes currently, with tools to dominate almost every situation. And you’re fussed that some of the talents aren’t quite as good as the others? :slight_smile:

Bio-optic targeting is one of the best talents in the game. As for the regenerating grenades, my psyker is super happy with vets taking that. Because vet grenades are great if well-used.


Vet takes on a more Peter Quill from marvel game fame. Your ranged will always be the best compared to other and will always be look after by everyone, and in return u empower the team. Isnt teammwork what the no-scoreboard players want anyhow.

All builds & perks were tested by devs on lowest difficulty level…
…they just couldn’t see it as useless as those were never used.
They even didn’t chose talents for their characters as they didn’t know about it as it was not lore wise to have “talent” by guardsmen… they die to fast to have something like that.

As someone said earlier “It simply dont fit the theme of the setting” x)

& like ok… We all know most of perks ,weapons, skins[“free” skins] & blessings & other stuff in DT is dull & just makes you think wTF is this. That’s what we get from unfinished & pushed forward to fast [by deadline] game.

Sad but true.

The toughness for ally in melee one is weak bc melee is how you build shields already.

The other 2 talents make me wonder if you are trolling.

Revealing all specials to allies will save YOU very often bc you might not see that dog or netter sneaking up on you FROM BEHIND while you focus down a gunner, but your teammates that might have missed that special definitely noticed it now.

The grenade regen on elite kill talent was too strong so the proc chance got reduced.

You’re saying one of the few talents in the whole game that got nerfed bc they were over performing is underpowered?

Veteran has like 3 or 4 bad talents in his whole tree, most classes have half their talents being bad or simply not working.

Oh and if the fact they are teamwork talents bother you, every class has some teamwork talents, its a team game as a solo vet would(and should) fail in a team game.


I think i made myself clear when i said they dont benefit the vet himself.

Like i said talents should benefit the own user as well.

@Danielfer zealot lvl 15 talent tier has 2 talents that provide 0 benefit to the zealot.

Ogryn lvl 15 has 1 talent that provides 0 benefit to ogryn.

Lvl 15 seems to be purely about teamwork talents, some help allies and some help everyone.

Btw the free grenade on elite talent can proc for you and give you a grenade so you do have 1 talent that specifically helps you.

Zealot lvl 15 is the exact same situation as vet.


I mean if you really want to boil it down to self benefit, doesn’t it benefit YOU that your team is hyperaware of incoming special threats? Maybe you don’t have the time to plasma/bolter/lazer them all down in an instant, maybe you’re stuck reloading, busy dealing with a horde - you pop that ability and bam, all of a sudden you enable your entire team to be made aware of the threat, in which case they can handle that for you.

At the end of the day, this is a co-op shooter/slasher, there will be perks that benefit the team, and like @Dakka1212 said you do have a perc that benefits you, and while you may think that the grenade supply chance is low, imagine that with your other perk that refreshes your grenades every 60 seconds.


The coherency grenade perk used to have a 10% chance probably bc FS looked at it from the user’s PoV and thought 1/10 elites give a grenade is not too strong…

but in practice a team with 2 vets and 2 zealots resulted in the team as a whole never running out of grenades and every horde was either stunned or obliterated from grenade spam, it was actually excessive in beta.

5% chance on elite kill. It might never proc the entire mission.
“Lvl 15 seems to be purely about teamwork talents, some help allies and some help everyone.” not on psykers.

“Ogryn lvl 15 has 1 talent that provides 0 benefit to ogryn.” Maybe ogryns need some rework too.

The vet ability already highlight the treat for me. Bio optics just made the highlight part for everyone in the party. The point is: talents should benefit the user primarily and for the party as a bonus. Tier 3 talents is useless.

You sort of answered your own thread already in it’s title.

It’s a 4-player team-based game. Of course every class has some team utility abilities.

It’s 5% for each team mate in coherency. Let’s examine that proc chance with the following assumptions. Firstly that it rolls separately for each team mate (pretty sure that’s correct), and secondly that all allies are in coherency. That’s a bit generous but it’s gonna happen often enough when an elite dies. That would be ~18.5% chance that at least one team mate gets a grenade every elite kill.

The only reason you’d be unlikely to get many procs in a map is if half your team are Psykers, everybody is actively avoiding fighting in coherency, nobody is bothering to use their grenades in the first place (can’t blame the feat for bad use of resources) or you’re playing below difficulty 3 where there are far less elites, though even there you should really be getting a few procs.

I dunno, numbers seem pretty good to me. You kill a huge number of elites in Diff 4 & 5. That’s potentially an awful lot of grenades across a run. Double Vet or double Zealot teams (I run into these a lot in PUGs) especially can get a pretty huge benefit out of it.


Wall hacks for the team is arguably OP, what are you talking about?


Op complained about lacking a talent that benefits him.

He was shown a talent that benefits him and says it is not helpful enough.

As many have pointed out, zealot also has only 1 talent that benefits them.

Ogryn has 2 that benefit them, but coherency radius is not better than free grenades.

Psyker is the only class lacking talents that strictly benefit the psyker so Op grabs on that as a reason for vet to have selfish talents, but psyker on high difficulty is useless at killing and the entire class only has value in supporting allies to kill stuff bc psyker only brings impressive crowd control at high level.

Its a team game, there is no character designed to be able to do everything on its own.

You’re playing the wrong game, this game is about teamwork.

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Huh, doesn’t the toughness DR feat, and the bonus toughness on Ult both benefit you as Zealot?

It’s a squad based cooperative game.

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I said zealot only has 1 talent that helps themself(the toughness one you mentioned) and 2 talents that provide them no benefit just like the veteran who benefits from one talent(4% free grenade on elite kill)

Both classes have 3 team based talents with one that benefits the user.

Zealot’s other lvl 15 talents are as follows

Holy Fervour

+20% Power to allies in Coherency for 5 seconds. On gaining a stack of Martyrdom. (This does nothing to help the zealot, its pure team buffs.)

Inspiring Excoriation

Using Chastise The Wicked replenishes 20% Toughness to allies in Coherency. (This benefits allies, not the zealot and is also a pure team buff talent.)

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