Versus - nerf ratling gunner

I do :slight_smile:

How much?

is this going to be the bit where I say a number and it’s not going to be correct so you use that to dismiss my previous points? Cuz that’s always funny when someone does that as if it’s a form of proof.

Last time I checked, something around 47 damage. Not sure if that was a full, full burst, could’ve missed a tick in the beginning or pushed them out at the end but that’s the highest value I’ve seen. Not 100% sure if that number wasn’t against an enemy with DR but oh well.

How far off am I?

Never had more then 36. Even in the most perfect ambush or on downed player

They all was cooked from point blank entire salvo.

How much closer you should go? Into melee range?

And i saw exact 36 into downed player. So i am pretty sure it is maximum possible damage from one salvo.

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Proof? PROOF? What do you mean the sky is blue? Where is the PROOF. No, you can’t just get me to tell what color it is, you’d only use that to dismiss my previous points. No, hard numbers, common sense and empirical evidence don’t count as a PROOF. Only my infallible opinion.

Fair enough. That 47 I saw must’ve been in combination with other damage then.

I assume you’re making fun of what I said earlier but that’s happend.
I’ve legit had people with more than double my playtime claim some outrageous BS and play like complete morons.

His balance between risk and reward kinda sucks. He is hardes Skaven to do something, and reward is kinda crap.
When i am playing heroes i see them as a joke.

Assasin is kinda crap too, but atleast if you good enough heroes have no chance to avoid pounce from orbit. And he can end the game like no one can. And he can interrupt revives like champ

Ratling is pretty damn insane. Even against team with 4 shields you still get tons of value.

The most OP hero for me is BOP BH. No aim penalty is just absurdly strong.

My first games I thought ratling was perhaps the only overtuned skaven, specifically because of aim bloom + stagger/slow effect. They can more or less disable a single player from very far away, and that player cannot fire back at them due to aim bloom or get behind cover due to stagger and slowed movement. It might be reasonable to reduce the intensity of either the aim bloom or the stagger so that players being fired at have some sort of response.

But overall I find the skaven well balanced. They seem OP when used by competent players in potent combos. Like whenever the pactsworn get 4x disablers at once and actually strike at the same time, that’s obviously game over xD And ratling crossfire is extremely strong, just like in PvE. Multispawns, coordinated specials are really just a menace, and that’s core to this game experience

I’ve been playing a lot the last couple days and trying to reevaluate it but no, it’s still strong, infact I think it’s probably even stronger than I first thought. Firing at longer ranges is still decent with good aim and effective targeting. But the real power is just close-mid range hosing down an entire team while they’re mildly distracted. The mistake I think most players make that make them vulnerble is exposing their body to anyone they haven’t hit within the last 2 seconds. Keeping that in mind boosts your survivability considerably. Even at close ranges the accuracy debuff is so bad that heroes can miss nearly point blank. The knockback, accuracy debuff, and visual effect of everything combines to kind of be a disable itself and you can sweep an entire team with it. It’s what the fire rat should be except it has good range.

Even what you’d expect would be direct counters aren’t reliable. Handguns and bows require a headshot to 1 hit, and that can be countered by targeting them first. BH ult requires that it actually hits which can be hard at range especially when the visual effect is so intense it kind of obscures the gunner, and even more so if BH is the target, plus the gunner will be strafing. kerillians ult only does like 75% health damage so that doesn’t work. Burning head might be the only reliable quick counter that can’t be easily mitigated by the gunner.

As for the flamer, yeah I think we can agree that they’re pretty trash. The range is bad, they’re large, loud and easy to spot and kill, and considering their average lifespan, the damage isn’t even that good. They can’t even interrupt revives or do enough damage that you can’t revive through it even at relatively low health. Meanwhile gunners interrupt revives at any range.

Right now gunner is auto pick for me, I’ve seen people legit lose their minds and basically suicide trying to kill me. Second is gutter runner. You get guaranteed damage from long range pounces which can be decent itself and the ability to pounce again after downing some one can lead to some nasty chain downs.

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