Versus Lobby Walk through invisible wall

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Kerillian can walk through the invisible wall and fall into the chasm on the right using the Briar Javelin.

Possibly other weapons, haven’t tested more.

Followed by a visual glitch to the character after respawn, fixed by swapping to third person.

here’s a video on how to do it

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Be Kerillian, have Briar Javelin as ranged weapon
  2. Walk to the chasm, get blocked by invisible wall
  3. To the right of the minetrack, swap to Javelin and hold it up with right click (or equivalent)
  4. Walk and hop into the wall repeatedly while still charging Javelin
  5. Walk through wall

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

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