Versus - How FS will balance it ?

Yeah, talk about understatement of the century xD


Unless it ends up like in Left 4 Dead, where people leave immediately if they’re not playing the monsters, or immediately after finishing the round as the monsters and it’s their turn as a survivor. Because if they want to play survivor… they just play regular campaign instead.

I can see the heros being nerfed, maybe they will have load out builds to choose from, perhaps no talents or ULTs being nerfed against players. Who knows?

I’m waiting for the youtube gutter runner montages :joy:#1 gutter runner EU”, quits every game he doesn’t get the assassin XD

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I’d rather wait for Stormvermin or Chaos Warriors (if we get to play them)
I’d be that sneaky nuisance, who charges the Overhead around the next corner.

Not really.

You got games like dota 2 to name one, which has an absurd complexity in comparison, because of the sheer number of parameters. Even then, it’s not that difficult to keep it reasonably in check. Naturally, this is because of previous findings, but that goes for vermintide as well.

Vermintide on the other hand does not have a fraction of the complexity, with no pvp aspect as well (As of yet, which I mentioned in my original post). So no, it is a very simple game to achieve a reasonable balance in.

Well, the most asymetrical games are the hardest to balance, so yeah, dota 2 is kinda a good example compared to let’s say Counter Strike.
But it all comes down to watching match-up.

Now, the co-op games are another tricky thing to balance, because you have to maintain a subtile balance between the challenge, and the power of the hero. And it’s certainly not “easy” to do. On that part, co-op games are way harder than pvp games to balance. As pvp games usually assign you a score and try to match up an equivalent enemy, therefore achieving the “balanced” challenge way more easily.

Something that can very easily out of bounds (as we could see with weaves for example). With all the careers, all the options (weapons and talents), and not even 1% of the stats that dota 2 can access (and even then, they have a balance patch every month), Vermintide 2 is also very asymetrical. Which means it’s also hard to balance. Harder or not than Dota 2 ? That can be discussed. But way harder than Counter Strike on the game design part (Level design is another matter for that specific example).