Vermintide 2 - Patch 2.1.0 (Season 2) BETA

From the notes I like the class changes, specifically the ones to Slayer and Battlemage. Can’t wait to try them out. The nerf to the near only talent that made Footknight good (in only one particular build…) is a bit suprising though. Not like it was really overpowered or something…

Also really looking forward to trying the temp health and crafting changes.


Praise Sigmar.


Can we have option to play deeds at higher difficulty even if its same reward? Its boring to play champions deeds bring back that glorious bug… i mean feature!


Have you even tried thp on cleave?

If its like 1,6 then she still will have problem with mace or poker

This seems to be a buff to Battle Wizard and a nerf to Slayer. Is this intended? Also, please note that Kaboom still has double explosion. It has since the last beta.

Furthermore, the slayer change means you need to weave in heavies. Forcing people to do heavies on Slayer to have access to DR would make the class much less fun and much less intuitive. Interrupting your dps to proc a DR talent every 5 seconds sounds like it would be unfortunate.

How that nerf? He got outright buffed as hell.

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Let me ask you, which weapon on Slayer do you weave heavies into your attack chain? OR which weapon do you use on Slayer that you spam heavies with?

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Pickaxe, always. Heavy Hammer when hordes.


I somehow disagree with everything in your post…

  • BW was not really buffed. Its most powerful build was straight up deleted. (And I agree it was 100% the right call.)
  • Nerf to Slayer? No way: More HP for free and a much more consistent DR talent. Definitely a buff there.
  • As to which weapon weaves in heavies: 2H Hammer, Pick, and Greataxe, for example. As do Dual Hammer, Dual Axe, & 1H Hammer. Only 1H Axe usually doesn’t, really. And I have no qualms with having to weave in a heavy here and there for a whopping 40% DR.

You spam heavies on hordes with pick axe? You must have god-like dodge mechanics. And Heavy Hammer dps with heavies is trash. Better off to qq it, tbh.

I’m usually switching to another weapon if horde when I have pickaxe. But yeah, thanks to actually recognize my god-like dodge mechanics.

  1. either you are going to be weaving in heavies every 5 seconds with those weapons (which is VERY suboptimal for almost all of them) or you are going to have 0% DR. Previously, you had solid uptime on 50% DR regardless of which attack you chose to do. Please explain to me how that’s a buff.

And BW is better with the DR + Famished bc of the BP’s Kaboom hits. Basically, you can spam kaboom now. This means higher dps output than using lingering.

what weapon would you swap to, btw? Pick axe is better horde clear than 2HH. So I’m assuming you are gonna swap to like DA? And if so, do you really wanna heavy a pink rat with DA?

All that to say: Slayer already has poor damage output outside of DK build. Why would we want to artificially reduce his damage output further by forcing the player to weave heavies into attack patterns when they are sub-optimal? How is this a good design choice?

I usually don’t use heavy hammer with pickaxe. As heavy hammer is perfectly good with another heavy hammer for qq swap.

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Yeah, obviously DK is better build. Now you have 0% DR as a DK, though. That means you’re gonna get slapped unless your mechanics are on point. Which, that’s fine to me and it’s the one thing about the change that makes sense. I just think they are nerfing the class as a whole in order to try to balance DK.

Well, you can still mix a bit your attack instead of “only” qqing. As HP was improved, it should probably compensate a bit. You’ll still use charged attacks during hordes though.

Regarding weaving in heavies: I’ll take a dependable 40% over an often malfunctioning 50% any day. And one heavy per 5s isn’t really that bad. And the 25 extra HP isva straight buff. I’d consider the net effect a buff.

Regarding BW: That’s a fair point. Hadn’t considered that build yet. However, that primarily works well on Legend, less so in Cata, and not very well in higher weaves, while taking away the single-with-a-huge-margin most powerful build in higher difficulties there was.

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You didnt had solid it was gamble, I prefered to not to use it because how incosistent it was. Now you have dr practically all time uptime with every weapon you choose. And qq is for the weak if you can’t get good results without that then well its not character for you. And now that ult with 100% more stagger is ridiculous powerfull

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Nah, works even better in cata bc more mobs. Even better than that in OC3, tbh. It worked before the talent change because of double kaboom. And how was the previous talent “malfunctioning?”