Update to my feedback from the first beta

Crashes are really oppressive, and lose you xp and items.

As for class mechanics.
Marksmen: 90% of the time ranged combat doesn’t exist and it isnt one thing its a group of things all added together that are way too much ill detail below here:

as soon as you leave difficulty 1 as the marksmen enemies will spawn directly behind you already swinging. so you can NEVER shoot at all i have literally walked through a space the size of my character after clearing it and then become instantly hit from behind. this is not a chaser i am playing in a 4 man team with spacial awareness and back checking.

ANY enemy firing on you at all not just the heavy gunner makes INSANE screenshake and suppression, the marksmen needs to have less suppression suffered to even be playable after difficulty 1

Why do sniper weapons have spread ? just stop putting spread on guns in general, i know its realism and all that but if you want to force a player to be able to make hits slower use recoil instead.

Allies are HUGE and block line of fire this will only becaome more caustic and unplayabel at higher difficulties since you will also be damaging your teamates too. Ogryn in front = no markmen play at all.

Charged shot weapons need to not realease automatically, its really frustrating for a lot of reasons. number one the enemies all input read and dodge right before the charged snipers release automatically which you have no control over. also again blocked shots from teamates running in like lunatics swinging everywhere.

Enemy aggro is unreal as the sniper, your job is to pick off the ranged characters the team cant get to because they are getting mobbed, however if you have 3 PLAYERS meleeing and covering you somehow the monsters stilla ggro you specifically and find a way to constantly interrupt your shooting.

shotguns and elites with knockback … cut knockback down to 5% of its current level i am tired of being thrown 6 feet through the air every time i take a glancing blow from a single shotgun poellet while im sidestepping. you cant shoot back nor can you melee, additionally 1 enemy can just juggle hypercombo finish you if you are near an obstruction and you literally have no agency to fight back.

I’m sorry, but most, if not all, of your issues come from not having situational/map awareness, and not understanding game mechanics.
The game sure has flaws and issues currently (like the crashing for alot of people), the ones you described come down to player skill however.

it doesn’t i’ve played all of fatsharks games from beginning to end, if i have to ill provide video of walking 3 steps scoping up and being hit bby a melee within 3 seconds or less of viewing clean space. and literally walking through the clean space i am struck from.

Also explain to me how being juggled from full hp to dead (ussually takes about 6 hits) is related to player skill ? what exactly do you do when you are stunlocked and no inputs do anything ?

It isnt player skill though.
You cannot shoot through teammates but thats fair enough, the screenshake from getting shot by ranged enemies is ridiculous and makes it impossible to return fire so you cant get rid of them. The ranged damage is quite meh at higher levels, enemies constantly spawning behind you and making it impossible to keep taking out enemy ranged targets even with someone covering since they often trickle in few at a time.
To a degree i can see where you get “skill issue” from but there are core gameplay issues that mess with you trying to use your gun, the enemy ranged screenshake being the biggest issue of them all.

It absolutely is hard to constantly and only use your gun, I’m sure thats intended.
You can use some of the craziest melee weapons as vet. The powersword has been giving me the funniest feelings while doing powered heavies through a horde.
And yes, the screenshake makes it hard to just click heads in peace, though I feel like the “shaking” from the normal ranged enemies isn’t that bad. I found sidedodging while ADS’ing to be quite effective in dealing with that, depends of course a bit on the space and cover you have available.
Also, your own ranged damage heavily depends on the weapon. It seems like some are just outright better than others.
In my experience, the Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun (lower rate of fire, high damage per shot) consistently outperforms other ranged weapons up to Diff 4, taking out most specials with a couple headshots, while having overall a good performance, handling, and ammocount.
Only took it out to 5 once, and it still felt good, but gotta try it more.
Keeping Volley Fire pretty much on CD whenever any kind of specials are around has been making things alot easier. You can dart around cover/teammates, pop a couple of em with headshots and be happy.

It isnt just the screen shake, but that is probably the major contributer, but heavy gunman fire will prevent you from moving forward to cover even if the cover is between you and it. the enemies all “know when you are aiming at them” and they all relocate while you are supressed. when the supression ends and you can finally aim again the ones that scattered are now provideing fresh suppression …

I can tell that the knockback has been toned down, and limited more to the monstrousity size enemies, i went from being juggled 6+in game feet to a step or 2 … much better. heavy gunner influencing your movement and aim when it cant even hit you is still pretty insane.

In general, recoil is far more “fair” to a gamer than spread is … i know spread is real … i get it, but if you want to talk about skill issue spread is a random number generation that affect the bullet in a way you have no control over and no ability to counter play or compensate for, hits when weapons are spreading become more random chance the more it spreads. Recoil forces you to re-aim and is skill friendly, problem is most games program recoil to simply snap the gun back and not the actual reticle so if you keep sqeezin’ its still going straight down the sights because its hitscan …

Its the lazy way out… and i get it for a game this fast and freetic spread is an easier player skill neutralizer … but i think recoil would make alot more sense gameplaywise.