Update on Hotfix #58 (1.6.5)

Hi Everyone,

After our latest hotfix went live today, we noticed a crash can occur when some players access the Sacrifice area with Hadron and the Shrine of the Omnissiah.

For now, we recommend players to avoid Sacrificing any weapons.

We are already working on another hotfix to address this crash. It will be coming out ASAP.

Thank you,

The Darktide Team



We’ll let you off if you promise to add all special event modifiers to normal rotation on the normal and auric mission boards :wink:


So a hotfix broke the game?

That’s hilarious.


Update also added a shitload of rubberbanding issues… we’ll see another fix for that 3 weeks after our entire studio comes back from our 3 year vacation for jorga florgen’s day. Also the fix will break 6 more core systems only for xbox


:expressionless: Haven’t been able to play the game in months and y’all break it even more trying to fix it. How are y’all managing to do this so consistently, it’s honestly fascinating how terrible you guys are at trouble shooting and bug fixes.


no one expected it!


and if i refuse to play along? I=


How nice that Darktide has a test server for all players to test the update in advance for issues and for feedback.
Ah yes, it’s only for a select couple of people, great approach, keep it up


It is in no way, the responsibility, for the playtesters to do QA. Bugs get discovered, yes. But it is not their responsibility.


Just when all players have access to the test server with the upcoming update, the chance to find a problem/bug increases proportionally to the number of players, yes not everyone will report, but it’s more than just a testing team anyway

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You want to playtest a hotfix that nobody in the playtesting group knew what it contained? It is a bug fix not a content update.

Hotfixes don’t contain content updates and are not playtested, since they don’t contain anything to playtest.

This sort of thing falls under QA, I can’t think of a company that uses a test realm to have random players do QA work for minor patches.


you mentioned sacrificing weapons, but pretty much everything looks broken

sorting in particular


Then why were the icons and sorting changed? That’s not a hotfix. That’s a feature release.


Hadron not working makes for good memes ngl


I think calling a visual UI change like that a feature release is technically correct but misses the spirit of the sort of features that Fatshark maintains a playtesting program for.

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Can we please get a roadmap and monthly development updates like Saber Interactive does for Space Marine 2? This would be a tremendous service to both you and the community.


a quick heads up, since the launch of the latest hotfix the game servers have been unplayably broken especially in havoc lobbies. causing player characters to float through walls, take damage from invisible enemies and randomly, inexplicably die just to be kicked to the main menu with error code 2014 and one other i cannot currently remember

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Yeah I’ve seen some strange stuff happening too actually.

Enemies have been spawning out of nowhere and Infront of my eyes ALOT since this last hotfix.


Great patch by the way. We play Havoc 40th, reach easily and calmly to the last room and all 4 threw out of the game, the host respectively minus an attempt, probably all the mods were? Alas, only two of them, but only the error did not refer to the presence of mods.
Have a good weekend sharks