Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.1

I thought u were talking about the knife lol

All of these changes look amazing! not only for the balance of the game, but also the health and feel of it.

but Fatshark, have y’all even seen the issues plaguing Xbox since the carnival update? it’s had consistent crashes since then, alongside occassionally and seemingly randomly tanking framerate until you restart the game. no idea what causes these issues, but Xbox has suffered it since the carnival update with no word from y’all. me and my friends stopped playing the game exclusively because of these issues, and it’s one of our favorite games ever. can you please address these issues?


There are so many ways to just trivialize monstrosities without significant build drawbacks. They’re kind of a joke a lot of the time.

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Understandable. Edited my original post for clarity.

Please Do Not Focus on Making the Bolter be More Effective Against Armored Targets, it’s Purpose should be Nuking Elites/Priority Targets. Try Making Changes to it’s ADM against Manic and Unarmored to be up to Snuff with things like the Revolvers. I Would Say a Flat Extra 10-15% Head Shot Damage, 20% extra Damage to Unarmored Targets and about 25% More Damage to Maniacs. This will bring the Bolt Weapons up enough that without Special Abilities like EX-Stance/Focus Target it can 1 Shot Headshot Flamers and Dreg Gunners. The Hand Hit-Box Change is Amazing for Stopping Trash Enemies from taking 2-Shots to the Body, It Can’t be all Sunshine and Rainbows for the Bolter though, I Propose Nerfing it’s Reserve Ammo either to 60 or back to 80 as it should not be Encouraged to be Mag Dumping the Gun and Hogging all the Ammo. These Changes Would make the Bolt Gun Fit More Into the Niche of the “Power Weapon” you bring out to Delete High Priority Threats Rather than a Cool but “Less Efficient” Vraks Headhunter with an Auto Switch

I mean I still think that was questionably necessary, especially with special lights becoming viable against human sized elites, but it linking off the special, so you still have access to the horizontal charge is a nice way to handle it. And the game state is not what it was when we originally had that argument. With all these buffs I wouldn’t even be surprised if enemy density gets even more extreme with this patch, so at this point yeah fair enough, I’m not gonna complain about it.


Yeah its extremely f’d for those guys atm and the total lack of mention around here makes me think nobody else crossplays.

I was more joking than anything, I agree that an Overhead would probably be enough. However I still don’t think that it’s a bad thing to have at all.

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Thank you very much for not using that insulting “Rejects”. It is very much appreciated.

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Zealot doesn’t need any specific talents to delete bosses with thammer, it works on every build. And it will be much better if hammers will work as proper weapons instead of gimmicky boss deletion tools.


That’s not a reason to make it just another ‘proper weapon’ when so many others fill the niche that this new hammer will be in.

Having a ‘gimicky boss deletion tool’ is interesting. Why have different weapons if they’re all going to achieve the same flavor of chaffe culling regardless? Why don’t you just choose a different ‘proper’ weapon that does the exact same thing the hammer with the proposed changes will and leave the hammer for the people that like what it currently offers?

I’m all for weapons having defined roles but that niche is just a bit too small.

Monstrosities are distraction/cc machines and not that dangerous. You don’t get many monstrosities on a normal mission and while the monstrosities modifier gives you more of them they have much less health.

It’s a cool weapon. Going to enjoy seeing it more outside of meme/rp builds.


A small niche is fine, brother, but all the rest of your post - it doesn’t sound like you’re arguing in favor of removing the current niche at that point, but to give it more utility outside of its current niche.

I can be for giving it more power, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of compromising the existing niche. Boss deletion is paramount, the thrill of one-shotting a monstrosity shouldn’t be compromised, even if that means the weapon remains untouched going forward.

And I’ll be real, forget other people. If they’re not using it because it doesn’t meet their needs or fit their minimum arbitrary ‘good weapon’ requirement - then let it be that way. Not everything has to be for everyone.

And that’s where the entire design was stunted and actively harmful to the gameplay. I even say this as someone who punts them off levels and splats them in doors at any opportunity for a laugh (one of these definitely needing a fix as well). The ‘game design’ of a large enemy in a co op game is something that needs to be burst down by those cooperating players. Preferably while getting mobbed by everything else because its a horde game. This is one of the high tempo events of the map the action junkies who love these sorts of games are looking for. The test of endurance and skill.

Going ‘lol look guys stealth hammer’ and removing those completely is not fun, nor is forcing you to use a weapon as terrible the entire rest of the time as the Thammer is (non Ironhelm) fun.


Press F, hold M1 then release it to one-shot a boss is not interesting.


the plasma gun can’t fire infinitely has about 5 shots before overheating and can blow you up like a psyker the downsides are there. and the venting on the plasma gun is still like a reload it all depends on how many shots you want back. there is another plasma gun in lore that doesn’t have the safety features the one we have in the game does but it fire allot faster and will kill you allot more often. the only nerf I see warranted is more toughness damage per tick of venting no more than 5 though.

the non-speed loader revolver should have range falloff and not infinite cleave on that we both agree however the reload for that revolver isn’t fast it could be faster they could have used speed loaders. the biggest issue is the headhunter rifles suck and need buffs.

You have a point but the problem is you just described the charged shots.

It’s the uncharged shots that are being abused. They do enough damage, have enough cleave and enough suppression radius that there is little incentive to use the charged shots. Uncharged shots are also more ammo efficient and when you hit 100% the gun autovents without killing you.


if the cleave was changed to a thermal explosion radius say 3-6 meters depending on noncharged or charged shot it would make more sense and separate it from the Pysker force staff.

give it just enough pen to penetrate a bulwark shield and then it detonates.

Replacing uncharged plasma cleave with something that might be as good or in some cases better is not really going to make it less powerful.

Turning it into blobs that explode on impact certainly does not make it less like the voidstrike staff.

I admire your commitment to buffing this meta weapon.


I swear. Iam playing a different game than other people are.

3rd row is a recon. Second row a PG.

The gun that deals fast with a huge amount of specials, has supreme ammo econ, and deals great damage to monsters and elites is a truly terrible gun.