Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.1

I am extremely excited about the bolter and thunder hammer buffs and they are close to precisely what I hoped for. Perhaps the Thammers will end up being a little strong from what I see here yet I also would rather they end up a bit on the OP side and get dialed carefully back over being the dry pool noodles they are now.

Thanks for the patch notes Strawhat! Its pretty exciting to see them early.

You got me.


We eating real good T Hammer bros. Honestly surprisingly perfect sounding adjustments. Not just better overall power but better use cases for different attacks should really help the full moveset feel good and rewarding to use.

The corresponding unyielding nerf is very fair compensation frankly, don’t wanna hear any whinging about that. Should be a much less polarising but overall more competent weapon without betraying its core strengths and weaknesses.


I am asking for a knife nerf - It is among the best weapons for Boss killing, horde killing, elite/special killing, and Carapace damage, all while being the highest mobility weapon in the game. It has some of the strongest blessings in the game, and its mobility is so high that certain zealot builds can out run Mutants totally trivializing most elements in the game. It is easily the strongest weapon in the game and it does have way too much.

No weapon should be A-S tier for everything - there should be something (significant) it ISN’T good at that would create a trade off between picking it and a different weapon. And the mobility needs to be tuned down so you can’t outrun the fastest enemies in the game.


Thunderhammer 350 damage on light attacks? I feel like you guys take a bit more from the forums than we all think. Very excited to try that out again. But I don’t see any adjustment to that awful Maniac modifier.


Honestly, the boltgun in its current state is a fine weapon. It is a weapon I can do Auric Maelstrom and not hold my allies back with, so while it isn’t Revolver/Plasma gun level… I think both of those are overtuned.

Considering how many strong buffs the boltgun is getting in this patch it is definitely going to need a drawback to not be OP, and I think the wield speed is a good one that lets the gun fulfill the fantasy of the massive gore everywhere explode enemy one shots.


How about we don’t do this part? Making the weapon more user friendly by dropping the stun is cool and all for that, but you could already 1 shot crushers to the face and if not a simple light attack after makes them fall over, which should be easier thanks to less stun. This is not worth losing the sheer spectacle of deleting bosses, which as is still takes an absurd amount of effort and sacrifices to achieve to begin with. You are taking away the only reason to use the hammers and think that’ll make people use it more? In higher difficulties it’s really not an easy thing to 1 shot a Monstrosity. How is it unhealthy when only by dedicating yourself to become the ultimate glass cannon can you achieve that feat. By that logic shield ogryns tanking all the hits in a corner is unhealthy. It shouldn’t matter. It’s the special thing that only that one class can do. This is Zealot’s special thing. Other classes can also make Monstrosities disappear in seconds, just because they Do it over the span of 3 seconds instead of charging up an attack over the span of said 3 seconds and doing it in 1 shot doesn’t make zealot’s cool thing unhealthy. The ogryn can be the ultimate Bulwark, The veteran can vomit bullets, the psyker can be weird, and the zealot can cast out daemons in the name of him on Terra. As one of the very few people who use the hammers, not only will this not make more players use the hammer, it’ll just make it worse for the ones that do use it. It’s the one reason to use it, it’s a clumsy blunt weapon that can if all the stars allign make big things go boom. Also even if the hammer is to get that “buff” those numbers do not look like a fair trade, and you already are buffing the flamer to make armor a bit less of an issue for a zealot not knifing the faces of heresy. Just makes that buff even less appealing and useful. All these buffs to compensate do not at all seem worth it, because the hammer was fine and perfectly usable, too many armored elites, just use a stun grenade or two and then charge up your heavy attacks and get rid of them 1 after another. Slight more convenience regarding that shouldn’t be worth losing the one thing special about the Zealot. Veteran is almost better at melee, Psyker is better at crowd control, Ogryn is better at tanking. Zealot’s coolest thing was his ability to make problems disappear in exchange for losing his ability to be more well rounded.

It is a fine specialized weapon, That I have used for hundreds of hours in highest difficulties with 1/7th the wounds and almost always came out victorious. I would love it if that was more accessible to others, 2 hammers are always better than 1. But please not at the expense of the one thing the hammers do well. Just get rid of the unyielding nerf and watch as people still don’t use the hammers because it’s a hammer :frowning: But it will be easier to use for the 2 people that might be interested in trying it out.


I am happy with most of these Thunder Hammer changes. Lot’s of good tweaks and improvements to their usability. I will be excited to test them out. However, I do think the bolt weapons need more attention than you are giving them in this patch.

nice changes overall for everything :smiley:
i’m looking forward to try the new changes about the thunder hammer (my favorite weapon)

not sure if I like the new vertical overhead after the special attack, but the fact it is only for a short time i think it is fine. because an immediate horizontal heavy special attack can still be useful when mutants are charging etc.

the other changes seem good and promising.
not sure if nerfing “Restoring Faith” was needed, because it does very little to be honest, it just heals you back 25% hp (now 20%) but it is very easy to get downed again if having low hp. that in fact, many zealots go down on purpose to restore fully their health… at cost of a wound. not sure if it stacks with holy revenant also, but I think it should remain 25% still!

one thing I wish was that this was coming before 26 september/itemization update :laughing:
but obviously it is better to release all in one update, so we will wait 26 september :slight_smile:

edit: regarding nerfing the Unyielding damage, I hope it is not that much.
because in the end thunder hammer crucis should be also a weapon specialized on killing monstrosities.

People bring that for specific certain special conditions like where bosses can spawn more often (Weakened version) sometimes there can be even 5-6 bosses at once :laughing:

also it only does good dmg to the regular bosses, not so much for daemonhosts and bosses like karnak twins and the ones from assassination maps.
bosses with the damage reduction buff (the green aura that bosses can have) in certain special condition, currently don’t even get one tapped by thunder hammer… so i hope it may considered about the unyielding damage, because of those higher difficulties with certain boss related special conditions.

tagging you cause ive seen you could share to the team things i may not like! @FatsharkStrawHat


well rounded doesn’t mean exciting, having its niche is, thunderhammer damage to bosses without shroudfield backstab build should not be suffering

all this

unwarranted, boltgun is the best weapon in the game, and bp is decent when you don’t compare it to zarona which you shouldn’t


also based, but i want my free reload back


I am mostly in agreeance with this post except for where you say that

This just isn’t fair or true. The hammers are clunky and frequently frustrating to use. These improvements to the self-stun will be a massive boon to their usability. I don’t think it should come at the cost of less monstrosity damage, but maybe Fatshark can meet us in the middle? Nerf the monster damage just a little less? It is very true that this “one-shot” niche of the thunder hammer is why many people love it, and it is not a simple feat to pull off. A majority of your build and survivability get dedicated to being able to do this.


Bolt pistol got buffed in multiple ways, even though people kept saying it’s a totally fine weapon and anyone who complains about it just has a “skill issue”.

No plasma, knife or revolver nerfs, despite the elitist players constantly crying about them.

Good job, Fatshark. You’re finally getting it. No point in overbalancing the game for 1% of tryhards, especially when all nerfs do is create another meta.

If you want to restrict these weapons, create more mission conditions that empower or weaken certain loadouts by mission design.


Aye, I think the buffs are very good, I might have just gotten used to the torture of using the hammers, but well worth the few seconds of pleasure. Just don’t think the carapace buff is worth the unyielding nerf, keep it as is or just buff the carapace damage without nerfing the unyielding.

As for the rest of the buffs, they make the hammers more accessible. But I’d rather not have them be more convenient to use if it was at the expense of losing their biggest and coolest aspect.


Im extremely pleased with the hammer changes. Its actually more than Id hoped for!
I love my Crucis and now its even better! It also means I will give the Ironhelm another go.

The lower sway and wield speed is a welcome change to the boltgun along with the lowered sway of the bolt pistol.

Really looking forward to these changes.
On to Pt.2!

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Loving the alteration to the hammers and boltgun families. I’m very interested in their effect ingame and cannot wait to try.


Alternative thunder hammer idea, how about the overhead special attacks do an AOE damage and stagger, and does more of it if there’s no one getting hit by it, so you hit the ground. Like how the cool space marines do it. Then you can take away some of the crowd control buffs in exchange for letting us keep our unyielding damage :smiley:


So far thank you for the improvements upon the Thunder Hammers! No complaints from me! Having cleave improvements is a great step forward too.

Praised Be! So far for all the notes upon the Bolt Weapons I am very glad to hear the excellent news!

Bolt Pistol gets cleave, acts more like a Bolt Weapon yes, its looking better! I just need to see in-game comparison of performance changes, that also helps make “difficult to please community members” be set straight on how things are improved :wink:


the problem i have with the bolt rifles draw animation it’s like the reject went to r3tard town and it’s imagining a whale or dolphin jumping out of the water in slow motion there is no other explanation for it. it should be like the plasma gun if a tiny bit slow because of weight or its slapping the charging handle.

I’ll second this and even add that the boss deletion spectacle is the point, and that I’d rather no buffs be made at all if they come at the cost of getting rid of the ability to do just that. A two or three tap doesn’t hit the same way as a one-tap.

Let it have this niche.


I am a new player been playing the game for less than 2 months, so I am not a boiled frog. the game is in a toxic meta atm where anything good was nerfed into the ground and now relatively the revolver/plasma gun feel overpowered because they are the only reliable options.

what needs to happen is for the other weapons to get buffed now so that its a hard choice between the revolver/plasma gun and the other weapons.

Please move Soul Drinker to the left side of the tree, all of the other Soulblaze stuff is already over there

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