I do main the Unchained.
Flamesword and Mace benefit SOO MUCH from attack speed that I ended up stacking it on both my charm and my mele weapons. You really notice that 10% attack speed trust me.
I also quickly realized that your real health as Unchained is indeed your overheat bar and not your traditional health bar. It’s to the point that I stopped using Curse resistance on her. You can actually put regen on Unchained (which I always do) and essentially stop caring all that much about your green health.
I mainly build around attack speed (for when I want to use flamesword and mace) and block/stamina.
I normally prefer block cost reduction over raw stamina, since you can get a base of 60% from your weapon & necklace which stack with the 30%(?) from high overcharge. Which essentially save you form having your block broken while being high heat… and therefore getting the extra hit that will make you explode.
On my trinket, I go for Stamina regen (to further increase my survivability) and Ability cooldown reduction. Again, you don’t really care about your health since you’ll die form overcharging if you actually end up going down.
Build your talents around overcharge reduction too.
Keep in mind that the Heat sink shenanigans that Pyro does with her passive doesn’t transfer well at all on Unchained. So Bolt end up being pretty bad. Beam is still Beam. Fireball is good and so is conflag.
I would recommend to get reduced overheat on most staves. With one exception.
Indeed, with Flamestorm staff you want the trait that recharges your Ultimate on crits, and that hols true for every carrer. It’s kind of an gem hidden into the pile of crap that is the flamestorm staff. For you see, (keep in mind that I also increase the crit chance) if you burn a horde down with that particular staff, your Ultimate is going to be refilled. Even the old BW ultimate (when it took ages to refill) could go from 0% to 100% if you used that tactic.
That being said, Flamestorm staff is still bad due to its non versatility… and the fact that you become unable to kill every thing that you actually want to kill with range weapons… and the fact that hordes will die before they get in reach of your flame storm staff if your team is half decent.
Another thing worth mentioning is that the Unchained’s ultimate frees teammates from being grabbed by packmasters (and other disablers). It also stun them and force them to go back and try to grab you later… it can be useful in hordes.
Lastly, be VERY CAREFUL about your teammates. FF is particularly dangerous for Unchained for not only does it impact your heat bar a lot, but your teammates have NO CLUE how much overcharge you have, which can lead them to think that it can be worth it to FF you to kill an enemy, while it most certainly was not.
To counter that, try to inform your teammates when you are in high overheat, so that they are aware when to avoid shooting you at all cost.
Just as an example, shotguns (grudge/blunderbuss) FF gives you like 70-80% overcharge… at least last time I “tested” (the type of testing that take place without your consent) it.