I think unchained is in a bad spot right now. I’ve seen lots of posts claiming that she’s so bad that even pyromancer is a better melee class for Sienna than Unchained. While I don’t think it’s THAT bad, I certainly can’t help but feel she has some issues and that she needs some fine tuning to make her a solid pick, a bunch of them related to her talents.
For starters, I wanna mention that there is already a really good thread about this, made in much more detail by someone who knows his stuff better: Unchained's 2.0 Rework Requires More Work
And that I’m bummed it locked itself 'cause I’d be making noise there, instead.
Either way!
Notable issues:
She struggles to generate THP. She desperately needs THP on kill. THP on stagger is definitely more useful than THP on cleave, but even so both choices are currently extremely bad on Unchained as the only weapon that benefits from thp on stagger is the fire sword (which isn’t a good pick for unchained due to its melee damage) and there is no good melee weapon that does Cleave well in her arsnel, either. The flail COULD actually benefit from thp on stagger, if the explosion generated from its first heavy actually counted as stagger. As it stands, it staggers a ton, and gives no thp from stagger. I 100% believe that if there’s one change that could help her big time, it’d be changing her THP on cleave talent for a THP on kill talent.
Damage reduction does not reduce overcharge generated from an attack. This is particularly bad as there’s attacks that barely deal any damage but still fill up your overcharge massively, in some situations. Currently, our Overcharge bar can hold 40 points. Let’s say you have 40% damage reduction active from something, anything. Now let’s say you get hit by an attack that deals 80 damage. The current math means this is what happens: 40 of that damage is given to overcharge, 40 is given to you, damage reduction kicks in and you reduce 40% of that 40, making you take 24 damage instead of 40. But, woops, your overcharge bar is now full, you explode and you die, the end. It’d be so, so much better if damaged reductions were calculated BEFORE damage was halved and transferred to Overcharge! This would make the earlier scenario be treated like this: 80 damage attack comes in. Damage reduction kicks in, that damage is now 48. 48 gets split in half, 24 goes to Overcharge, 24 goes to your health. You now won’t instantly explode.
Her career skill is unimpactful. This, however, can be fixed by buffing up her level 30 talents save for Bomb Balm, but I still think it wouldn’t hurt to up the numbers of this ability a bit. As in, increase the damage a bit, and increase the DoT damage a bit. It’s an ability with an incredibly high cooldown, venting all your overcharge shouldn’t be the only useful thing it does, specially considering Pyromancer can do that with a talent on a much smaller cooldown, on TOP of one-shotting a chaos warrior, which is an actual useful thing to do.
Her talents are underwhelming save for, generally, 1 option in each row. This makes Unchained builds practically all the same. In the talent rows for level 10, 25 and 30, there is only 1 good option (Frenzied Flame, Natural Talent and Bomb Balm, respectively). The reason isn’t necessarily that the choices are too strong or OP, but that the alternatives are too weak to be useful, or even noticeable. The possible exception to this is Bomb Balm, level 30, which IS, in fact, a bit too strong imo but your mileage may vary. The only rows where she has a healthy selection of useful, varied talents is Level 15 and 20. There is no good level 5 talent. but THP on stagger is the least-bad one.
The following talents probably need a buff or a change of sorts.
- Level 5:
- Reckless Rampage: THP on cleave.
Change: Swap for THP on kill. Keep the name, sounds cool.
- Reckless Rampage: THP on cleave.
- Level 10:
- Searing Grasp: Push attacks ignite enemies with a light damage over time effect.
Changes: This is not a bad concept for a talent, but it needs some kind of extra oomph. I’d suggest making it so that the DoT applied lasts a while longer than what it currently does to make it more useful and impactful. Another alternative could be to make it more easily applied, like if heavy attacks also applied it, or even all attacks. If this last approach is taken, there is no need to buff its dot duration or damage. - Chain Reaction: Burning enemies have a small chance to explode on death.
Changes: There’s several issues with this talent. Although it’s a good idea for a fun playstyle, its current implementation is either bugged or weak. The explosion deals no damage (but does stagger enemies), doesn’t set on fire afaik, and has a very small chance of triggering. Fix… all of that. All of that. Make it deal SOME damage, make it set nearby enemies on fire so it’s an actual chain reaction, AND/OR buff the chance of it happening so that it can be an impactful talent.
- Searing Grasp: Push attacks ignite enemies with a light damage over time effect.
- Level 25:
- Enfeebling Flames: Burning enemies deal 30% less damage.
Changes: This is actually a very cool, solid idea, hampered by the fact that DoTs simply last so very, very little. I’d propose making this talent also double (or even TRIPLE!) the length of all DoTs you apply, but also reduce the tickrate by half. In essence, damage stays the same, DPS is way lower, but you are debuffing enemies properly, for a good duration of time. This would also make it have synergy with Searing Grasp. - Burning Dregs: Dropping below 50% health vents all Overcharge. Can only trigger every 60 seconds.
Changes: A good concept, or a good starting point at least. Can save you from getting overcharged by an overhead from a big tough guy, but that’s the only situation where it is useful. In most other situations, you dropped to 50% health by chip damage from a horde, and now your overcharge is gone and with it, your melee power. There are far too many situations where this being triggered is actually bad for you. I suggest changing this talent to: ‘Reduces damage taken by 70% when you’ve entered overcharge explosion for the duration of the explosion. Can only trigger once every 180 seconds.’ The exact number of damage reduction can be tweaked until it is balanced, as can the number of seconds, but essentially this would save you from most of the damage of going over the limit in overcharge once every 3 minutes. You’d still take damage equal to 30% of your max health, and you’d also take tons of damage if you are surrounded and keep getting hit while you are helplessly stuck in Overcharge animation, but this can actually help you and might save your hide in way more situations than the current burning dregs, since it is a universal save, instead of a situational one.
- Enfeebling Flames: Burning enemies deal 30% less damage.
- Level 30:
- Flame Wave: Increases the radius of Living Bomb explosion by 50%.
Changes: Make it also increase the stagger and damage of Living Bomb by 50%. Or even 100%, I mean, the current values of damage and stagger aren’t exactly impressive for a 2 minute cooldown skill. - Fuel for the Fire: Each enemy hit by Living Bomb increases power by 5% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Changes: So the problem with this talent is that if you’ve just used Living Bomb, you’ve also lost all overcharge. And with it, 60% melee power. This means that this power bonus is just sort of lost to the wind. And let’s not forget that Living Bomb has an enormous cooldown. There’s two ways to go about fixing this talent. One is to make it so each enemy hit also reduces living bomb’s cooldown by 5%, up to 5 enemies hit. This essentially makes it so you can more actively use your career ability and also helps you in your weak, limp-wristed state after casting Living Bomb. The other is to turn it into a ‘powerhouse’ talent. This choice would be something like this: ‘Living Bomb now only clears 10% overcharge. Each enemy hit by Living Bomb increases power and attack speed by 5% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Your overcharge cannot increase or decrease for 10 seconds.’ This would make the skill more dangerous, as you’d still be in extremely high overcharge after the buff is done, but it’d turn you into a melee beast for 10 seconds.
- Flame Wave: Increases the radius of Living Bomb explosion by 50%.
When considering the level 30 talents, please keep in mind how damn long the cooldown for that thing is, and the fact that these talents have to compete with Bomb Balm, which is an extremely solid talent simply by virtue of being a group-wide sustain talent in a game where such things are extremely valuable.