Unable to Reconnect after game crash

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

This seems to be a new issue, and while I don’t have a TON of occurrences of this happening since crashing is relatively rare for me now (good job, much improved from the Beta and launch when crashing was constant!)… but any time I do crash during a mission, upon re-launching the game and loading back into character selection, I am unable to rejoin the mission.

Alt+F4 allows re-connection. Forced closure of the application allows for a re-connection. Crashing does not.

Note: the reproduction rate I’ve selected reflects how often I am UNABLE to reconnect post-crash, not how often my game is crashing.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

  1. Play the game
  2. Enter a match
  3. When a crash inevitably occurs (however rare that may be now, thankfully), relaunch the game.
  4. Upon entering character select, there is no prompt to rejoin the game you were ejected from due to the crash.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

[PC] Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log (Optional):

darktide_launcher.log (842 KB)
console-2024-01-02-10.21.58-8e3ec9de-9acb-4488-9652-8c48b8545bc8.log (119 KB)

1 Like

Had this happen multiple times. Not sure if it is because spot was taken. Does anyone know if the game reserves your spot for a time?

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