
Issue Type (Required):

Crash - On Launch

Issue Description (Required):

从启动器 点击开始游戏就显示崩溃。 反反复复重新下载也没有用,检查文件完整性也没用。

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):


[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

GUID: 93c0a721-16a8-4e93-8f34-363a46bad07e
Log File:
Info Type:

GUID: 58f58b54-9057-4c80-ad4f-a6b863a450be
Log File:
Info Type:

@919 sorry to hear this. Unfortunately the logs in your crash reports are truncated and data is cut-off. So it’s difficult to determine why this is occurring.

Are any specific error messages shown on-screen when the game crashes?

Based on the Exit Code in your log though, I recommend ensuring you have appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions in place for both Vermintide 2 and Easy Anti-Cheat. Please see:

Please let me know how this goes.

我更新了显卡驱动并且 反复重新下载了游戏将近三次,现在能玩游戏了,

试了很多东西,排查了很多地方依然找不出问题,但是反复重新下载却解决问题了。 会是游戏内设置和显卡外设置不同导致游戏冲突吗?

@919, glad to hear that redownloading eventually helped!

It’s difficult to say with your crash data/logs being cut off and missing information. Were any specific error messages shown on-screen when crashing?

Otherwise, my gut feeling tells me this is likely a conflict with Easy Anti-Cheat. Possibly a background application interfering. If the issue returns, please check if you can launch successfully in Modded realm (as Easy Anti-cheat isn’t applied here) so this can help to confirm if the issue is EAC-related.

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