Tone down the pox gas a bit!

Trying to play and the screen is either green or orange with fire with no discernible detail in most of the time. Game crashes cos it’s overloading particles I guess? But it’s ridiculous how blind we have to play. The gas also covers a STUPID amount of the area. Like ten times that of Twin’s gun. It doesn’t feel like a challenge to verse your system collapsing and some green there… and then green there… and then orange there… I kinda want to see enemies which can now be unaffected by enemy fire.

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Oh, you’re in the middle of the field when the warning gas appears? It’s literally impossible to get to ANY clear space fast enough? Too bad, get corrupted.

Whats that, you’re doing an event and the entire area is filled with gas? Too bad.

I think its fine you just gotta kill them and keep moving the amount of damage you take in the gas is very forgiving to compensate.

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