Hello, just a quick little rant here.
Why doesn’t FS seem to understand there’s a market of sorts for weapons that are “Unwieldy, but powerful”? They seem to oft forget the “powerful” part and then when folks donnae use the weapon, decide to remove the unwieldy bit instead.
We’ve got weapons that are as strong (if not stronger) that are way easier to use, surely the weapons with long draws, horrible accuracy and slow windups should be stronger than the “Fast and accurate” ones, no? I want to feel like I’m barely controlling a weapon of mass destruction over here, I can’t be alone in that.
And while I’m airing my hammer-based grievances, why don’t any of the thunderhammer blessings have anything to do with the special activation? Why does it have 3 Impact blessings? Shouldn’t the “Heavy hitting, Crow Controlling” hammer already have enough impact? And even if it needed more, wouldn’t having one really good impact blessing be worth more than 3 lesser ones? Or adding impact to different blessings as a bonus, like Thrust, Shock and Awe or Momentum? Why have Thunderous when you can easily one-shot a crusher? Why have both “Slaughterer” and “Headtaker”? here’s more damage for hitting and killing stuff. Like, why pick anything else? We don’t even take heads, we smash 'em! There shouldn’t be anything left to take! Hell, if we’re going to reward folks for just using the weapon, why not have a blessing that buffs damage after landing a special attack instead? At least that’d be unique.
In fact, here’s a list of things that’d be unique and at least marginally more entertaining:
Thunderous (New): When you land a special attack, all enemies within X meters receive Y stacks of brittleness. It also changes the sound that plays when landing a special attack.
Headsmasher. Gain an X% chance to suppress nearby enemies when you land a weakspot kill. Stacks up to Y times. 100% chance if the attack is empowered. Hitting suppressed enemies deals Z% more damage.
Thunderstrike (New): When you land a special attack, all enemies within 8 meters of the first target have a Y percent chance of getting shocked (damage and stun).
Smolder: Killing an enemy with your special attack makes your following X attacks to ignite enemies. Adds cool VFX when active.
Righteous Strike. Killing an Elite or Specialist with a special attack restores X% more toughness, and gives Y% Toughness to allies in coherency.
Bloody Pulp. Killing an Elite or Specialist with a special attack applies X stacks of bleed to nearby enemies. You deal Y% more damage to bleeding enemies.
Energized. Gain an X% movement speed bonus while your special is active. Landing a special attack makes your next Y normal attacks Z% faster.
I could go on, there’s a lot of potential for “Cool Thunderhammer Blessings” that I feel is being left on the floor here.