Soft agree. I don’t have much (like, probably not more than 2 hours) of knife gameplay but from playing with both bad and really, really good knife players it doesn’t seem like a front line, more ping ponging between elites and specialists and killing them. However Dueling Sword I can definitely front line with and probably more effectively than Thammer. Its pure killing power paired with stagger from either Fotf or VoC is enough to clear out most melee elite groups or mixed hordes. (I main MK 2 Dueling, so it trades some single target dps for better group clear which I enjoy. MK 4 might have more difficulties but the light attack spam doesn’t make me think so besides on the Moebian modifier).
Mixed Rager groups are where the Ironhelm fully shines, and the Crucis does well enough imo. Ofc the reliance on Thrust sucks but that is where I feel the most confident with them. It requires more spacing and pacing than other weapons but I feel confident when diving on them (without Martydom) that I can clear them with not much health damage taken.
I will say with the Crucis I haven been consistently sniped in the powered attack cooldown period, but that is probably more a skill issue than anything else. Although I wouldn’t be mentioning it if Crucis had better damage.
Also after playing more I’ve kind of switched over which marks I like which is unfortunate. Crucis on Inexorable can get far more consistent breakpoints than Ironhelm, which makes me sad because I prefer the Ironhelm moveset more. Ironhelm feels pidgeonholed into playing Martydom to hit those kills which I am not a fan of. Still playable with Inexorable, just not really playing up to it’s full potential.
Dealing half the health of a monstrosity is still ridiculous. A more acceptable form of ridiculous, but still very much ridiculous. I like the niche of being able to nuke something with my big hammer.
It was a hard and dangerous maneuver with a huge payoff. It could have been made harder, but they took a different direction to “fix” the problem.
It’s just sad that a 1-shot can never be done again. Because it felt like a great achievement the first time you pull it off. Now nobody will experience that ever again.
I use only one setup with TH. It is ironhelm with thrust and slaughter.
I would have loved to use Shock and Awe, but the effect is really bad considering how much damages you loose already cause you would remove a blessing that gives you power.
In fact the power bonus is better for its effect on cleave than shock & awe. Here is the problem.
And yes thrust is really good with the heavy hits of the ironhelm.
I think an effect similar to this might be interesting, perhaps in addition to the hit mass ignoring capabilities. It would make sense for Shock and Awe to have two effects (The Shock, and The Awe), and FS isn’t shy when it comes to “Sweetening the pot” with lesser blessings by adding additional effects (usually a damage increase, which I think this would qualify).
They make a bad choice, it effects something else, so they change that and it dominos through the whole game, changing things to make up for the first bad choice without ever stepping back and asking if that choice should be reevaluated.
Indeed. That would certainly explain how they can spend multiple patches trying to fine tune the Thammers not to make it too “overpowered”, only to, in the same patch, add the Dueling Saber which can perform as well or better with fewer downsides.
sorry but the bolter was a piece of crap before the update now it’s an option and more importantly it feels fun to use now except for the who brought the r3tard to the mission equip animations. now I have two options for big guns to use the plamsa and the bolter both have tradeoffs.
the thunder hammer is now fun to use if they were to slow it back down, they would need to boost its damage to compensate.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you haven’t used the crusher this patch.
The thing is the best zealot weapon (we don’t talk bout the abomination of a kitchen appliance here), a staggering murder machine that is anything but unwieldy. Spam heavies with the occasional pushattack, and everything disappears.
I have used the Crusher after the most recent update and I agree, it is very strong. Just not my kind of weapon, I’ve always been more of a kitchen appliance enjoyer. But yeah, the crusher is very good, definitely one of the best Zealot weapons.
Bad things before, yes. It’s…very strong now (I expect a slight nerf when recoil jank is properly fixed).
The casino now is basically a broken slot machine that always pays off, stock up. Shops are giving out perfect dump stat items like candy, get 'em before they’re gone.
P.S. The hip shot recoil sudden jerk jank gives me a headache still.