Ok honest opinions so far …
Its a no brainer that the perfromence need to be optimised.
The stun lock from ranged attacks should be removed.
We need tool tips for stat comparison of items in shop and inventory.
Enemy numbers should be reduced a little bit maybe or the spawn frequency. I had a mission where i had around 20 gunners infront of me, combined with the stun lock … :-/
Tool tips with lvl recommendations for the diffrent diffs, so new players have a better understanding what is suitable for their lvl. (im no friend of restrictions)
A lobby browser where people can set up their own games with specified parameters (min lvl to join etc.). But ofc keep the actual mission board and quickplay function
A very large screen in the hub that covers the stats we have seen after the last beta (total kills etc.), that would be a very cool thing, if all stats would be provided this way.
The bolter should have 5 more shots in the mag (20 instead of 15) and have 100 max ammo instead of 80.
Now comes something many zealots will hate me for, i play zealot myself btw. The flamer seems to become a big topic and that has a reason. Its extremly powerfull, especially against hordes. Now listen very good and read every single word please. I love this thing myself, but it could be seen a bit to op because of the long duration it can be fired. Everything else is fine. the realistic range, the flame cone. But now imagine you are in a team with a zealot and you consider yourself capeabel to deal with hordes. Now the zealot burns every horde down with its flamer and you start to feel useless, when it comes to that. Yeah i know other players feel thankfull for it, they even told me so. But i also see some palyers wich kinda dont like it. Im pretty sure the flamer will be a big topic in the future. All im saying is, dont change its range, if at all, the duration it is able to fire.
(Dont add overheat with dmg like in V2, in gods name. That would ruin the fun instantly)
(please dont hate me for it, i just try to make game good for everyone, not just zealots)
There needs to be a ads fov setting in the option. The zoom when aiming can be to high on some weapons or simply to high for some players.
I think FSR2 should be enabled by default with the balanced setting, that default TAA AA makes the game look so damn ugly, that i was disappointed during the prologue. It would be very sad if all new players have to go trough this, till they realise there is a solution for it.
The discarding of items should be renamed to sell, i didnt know till today xD
The price for rerolling missions, should be reduced a bit i guess.
People should spawn next to the misison board in the hub
There should be jetbikes for the hub (no that was joke).
Ammo should drop from enemys and the number of chests should be reduced. Instead chests should now hold grims and scriptures, medi and ammo packs. Players should still be encouraged to explore a bit, but its simply sad to open 3 empty chests in row.
More single enemys should be placed in tight corridors and small rooms. Thats something i miss in so many games, it really adds this “surprise motherfu…er” effect, wich is very cool. Games should not be to predictable or they become boring
I think there should be a bit more chatter between the characters and a bit more radio chatter, just a bit, not to much (i know its hard to balance).
There needs to be a toggle aim function, this is a shooter we have 2022, add toggle aim.
(Optional ofc, not forced)
The place where you spawn in the hub right now, could be redesigned to a persoanl room. Someone requested that yesterday in memory of the personal rooms you have in the V2 keep. There could be trophys and other stuff, like weapons showcase etc.
We need more and easier obtainable headwear. Not only helmets, also eyewear, like augmenttations. Some people requested it
Weapon scopes with magnification should be considered, im not sure if it will make the game to lame, it must be tested
Item sharing between characters should be considered, i dont know if it makes progression to boring, must be tested.
The knockback from explosive barrels and boss attacks, needs to be reduced drastically or make it at least so that they cant throw you out of the map, thats simply unfair. Make it like in V2 that you at least will hang on a edge and dont die instantly. I have seen many players dying because of this, me included …
Thats it for now