The Kruber Problem

Weapons only feel sluggish and weak because the higher difficulties are done by filling the screen with enemies, and making them damage sponges. These changes highly disfavor weapons that are slower-but-impactful, while affecting weapons that are fast-and-agile-but-less-impactful relatively way less. Example: If at a certain difficulty your slow weapon can one-hit something, and your fast weapon takes three strikes, they could very well be balanced in overall effectiveness. But if you then go up a difficulty, and now the slower one needs two hits instead of one while the faster one now needs four instead of three, the slower weapon is heavily disadvantaged while the faster one’s playstyle is hardly affected at all. This is also exacerbated when attack speed also serves defensively by making enemies flinch more often, when more hits = more temp hitpoints, and when higher difficulties also make enemies more stagger & cleave resistant. Swift Slaying can turn the first type of weapon more into a second type of weapon, which is the only way that a weapon becomes effective at that point. The first type of weapon wouldn’t need it when it still had its impact, however. This is a fundamental problem in the game, and affects classes and skills as much as weapons.

Like Grail Knight! To me, GK actually feels relatively much better on Legend than he does on Cata, and I think it’s because of this very reason. On Legend, GK feels about equally as effective and powerful as WHC or Shade. On Cata, however, he feels a lot less effective, while WHC and Shade feel relatively way less reduced in power. This is because GK’s strenghts (single target hitting power) and weaknesses (low mobility, less effectiveness vs. specials) scale waaaaay less favorable with damage sponges and full screens than those of WHC and Shade.

Not only GK is affected by this. Weapons like the single Axe or some ranged weapons have the same problem. Heck, I’d even pose that pretty much everything in this game that is considered weak in the meta, is considered that way because it scales less with the way Vermintide handles higher difficulties than the the weapons and classes that are considered strong, while likewise the stuff that is considered overpowered is stuff that scales really well. (Like for example WHC’s kill on crit headshot with a guaranteed crit Ult. That is exactly as effective on Cata as it is on Recruit.)

I honestly don’t rightly know how to solve this problem in the current game without completely overhauling the fundamental principals of the game, or at the very least without making the slower-but-harder-hitting stuff completely broken on anything under Cata. In an ideal world I’d try to implement something like a difficulty dependant weapon damage profile so all breakpoints can be tweaked individually by hand for every weapon on each seperate difficulty, but implementing that in Vermintide 2 is probably impossible at tgis point. I’m afraid that speed and mobility will always be meta on higher difficulties in this game…

On another topic in this thread: I applaud and appreciate your initiative for a structured discussion on class balance. But this is a near impossible thing to do, as long as there is disagreement on one thing: What is the baseline?

People seem to agree more or less which classes are more powerful or weak relatively to each other overall, but the disagreement is in which class people consider balanced. Some might have the opinion the game feels like it should when playing Mercenary or WHC, while others think the game is only just right when playing GK on Cata. Before a discussion on what changes to which classes should take place, you’d have to agree on the target power level to strive for. Only then you can decide which classes to nerf or buff and how. And the discussion about what that should be, I fear is a discussion that will never end…


(Might be a bit late but I wanted to add my two cents)

I think the best way to make GK relevant and also have him not over-shadow the other careers is too make him way more supportive, assuming thats what FS are planning for all the new careers.

Grail Knight’s dutie system is what I think they were going for when trying to make him supportive, but it is way too RNG based. I think what they should do is allow you to choose which Duties you want with the talent system, and certain duties would be worth more than others. For example, you can pick the Grim duty but only that, or have three of the lesser duties.

I also think that GK should have a talent similar to IB’s Blood of Grimnir which would buff the GK and everyone’s power around him and maybe attack speed. The only problem with this is it might be too similar to MC’s paced strikes and Reikland reaper talents, but I think thats fine since GK has a major downside of not having a ranged weapon.

Overall I think he needs a big buff in regards to his melee and supportive abilities, because while he might outshine the other careers in DMG and support, he lacks the versatility of no ranged weapon and low mobility.

It is. But from an economical point of view, if you are not getting hit or in danger of getting hit, it doesn’t exist. If Merc can deploy his DR in most situations where it matters (when he his in most danger of getting hit), him not having it available during downtime is irrelevant. Same reason why you cannot think in dimenions of “power+x is better than power+y if x>y”. The amount of situations where this statement holds true is exactly one: During bosses/monsters, since no hero has the ability to one shot them, and even there it is debatable if it means shade/GK needing one ability more or less. Either power +x allows you to shave off one or more strikes against an enemy to kill it. Then even power +1% becomes power 100% (if you, say, go from 2 hits to one, and you could argue that the economic utility is even greater if you reach 1-shot break point) relative to the enemy. If it does not, it is effectively 0.

That’s what I mean by it. Economic utility of Merc’s kit is high enough that it’s drawbacks are effectively mitigated, since prerequisites are relatively easy to meet and you have (relative) control over its deployment, AND the prerequisites of its deployment are more easily met in situations where it’s utility is highest (in case of DR, at least), and the utility of FK’s passive resistance is not increased by fiat of it existing unconditionally.


Personally, I think GK is fine. I think all the classes you mentioned, with the exception of RV, are of similar power/effectiveness in the hands of a player that is familiar with their quirks and knows how to use them. Merc might be slightly better than GK but they are roughly equivalent/ in the same ball park if you know how to use them. I think everyone’s perception of a class comes down to how much they like the playstyle of that class - the more you like it the more you play it and the more effective you become. For me, unchained is waaay better than pyromancer and FK is slightly better than Merc - you obviously feel differently. I don’t value RV at all - I just find him boring- but I’ve seen threads arguing that he shines on cata more than other difficulties because the free bomb spams are so effective at horde control. Overall I think the classes are pretty well balanced and they don’t need to be messed with. If any rebalancing needs to be done it’s for the weapons not classes.

Nerfing Merc would only achieve the complete dominance of the other four heroes. The Allstar team already features BW, IB/Slayer, Elgi, and WHC with Spear Merc only on a side note.

I get that he probably seems to make you invincible on Legend or below, but you hardly are able to get any kills with a BW, Elgi, WHC team. You feel like you get taken for a ride, not like actually doing something, or being able to do something. It is even worse on the other Kruber careers.

Merc is strong if you compare him to his other Kurbers, but thats mostly the fault of FK, Huntsman and GK just being… weak in their niche.
That being said, it is not even remotely as bad in below cata games. Huntsman has insane Bow Breakpoints, GK doesnt suffer from getting swamped specials and Elites in waves. (FK is still a train wreck. Thanks for the Counter-Punch nerf again.)
If you wanna remove anything from Merc, get rid of Blade Barrier.

For me it’s the opposite - Mercenary is the biggest crutch you can bring on something like Cataclysm 3 Onslaught, or Tzeentchian Twins weeklies. His killing power, tankiness, crowd control from his active ability, his huge buffs to his team, stacking damage reduction and so on is so much it allows you to tank so much, sustain so much, and kill so much that even a C3O horde will get chopped down like it’s regular Cataclysm.

It’s not so much that he by himself is that strong (he is really strong), but he makes your entire team stronger, like a force multiplier that no other career can match.


I typically play Cataclysm+ and all I can say is Mercenary is a staple pick and is incredibly strong.

This is more a you problem than a Merc problem.


Small questions. What is your weapon of choice with mercenary. Is it a 2h sword or spear when doing cata+

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Spear for sure is the way to go, although you can totally make 2h sword work

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Give Whc Headfletcher so i get ammo back on headshots. Why do i have to learn to aim to upkeep my ammo and not a shade? Smh.

edit: sarcasm, but not really


Facefletcher :stuck_out_tongue:



Honestly I see one only problem. There are some careers that need a buff.

Merc, IB, Slayer, WS, Shade, WHC, BH, Zealot, BW and Pyro are the good careers… they have pro and cons each other… and they are the majority. Weak classes are the minority… and we should work on them.

Why should we nerf Merc when he’s totally balanced with the other careers that fulfill his niche? Both WHC, Zealot and BW (crowd control build) have advantages and disadvantages.
WHC melts hordes of elites/armors (and he still has support bonus)… BW can hit an infinite number of enemies… Zealot is immortal and he has the “most consistent” power/attack speed (I’m exaggerating, I know, it’s just to show how Merc has pro and cons compared with “his rivals”).
For the same reason, BW is balanced too… she has the highest AoE damage, but she’s more vulnerable and risky than a Zealot or a Merc, for example.

Why should we nerf Pyromancer’s melee when it’s an important factor that makes Pyro balanced compared with BW… especially when we could simply buff a little UC (and anyway she already has some advantages than Pyro).

GK (could) fulfills a unique and really nice niche: an halfway between FK and Shade… decent in both crowd control and as elites killer… but yep, he still needs some help… and it’s only his fault: technically he’s not overshadowed (since there isn’t another career that fulfill the same niche)… he just has some aspects that don’t work (the ult soooo risky, duties are totally RNG, zero survivability, etc etc).

FK is another clear example. I did a thread time ago. He should be a staggering tank… but: his ult is really bugged and risky (invulnerability should be as default), Staggering Force (+ shiled) is useful only vs Monks, no stamina regen, auras too small, etc etc… also in this case, the problem aren’t the other careers that throw their shadow… just FK himself that should be smoother in some aspects.

I mean, if you take a career like RV, he would remain bad and boring even if we nerfed to the ground the entire cast.

Someone could say: “why couldn’t we do both nerf and buff?”. Because, if we have 10/11 careers on 15 EQUALLY STRONG, it’s not a balance problem… but simply Fatshark’s design and choice.
Nerf them, since they are the majority (and not few example that overshadow the other careers), means DRAG DOWN the entire cast… could someone like it? Sure, we are talking about opinions, but we can not say “those careers make the game too easy”… since the great majority of the community plays Veteran/Champ (and there is NOTHING wrong) and only the 0.00000001% handles C3O.


Well, we could probably focus on creating a topic on each career to speak balance. But to answer last post. You can’t only ‘up’ all others careers to the level of the performing ones. Mercenary will have to be nerfed on his ult + damage reduction talent at least so his others talents can become a viable choice. (The ‘no thp’ talent will have to change somehow though)
You can’t only ‘up’ stuff until it performs well. You also have to nerf the overused talents so it can actually shakes up the meta.

Yea, what a great idea. To bad that the community has no interest in it (Suggestion - Forum Project - Discussion Weeks [Careers]). But seriously, I think I will start a discussion thread for Unchained in the next few days (I do think she is rather strong and does at best need some minor adjustments, but better making the thread myself then getting a brain aneurysm reading it from someone else -_-) and look if we find other forum members to do the same for all other careers.

I don’t think that there is a need to shake up the meta. But several careers just are too generalist with no noteworthy weakness. This makes them bland and boring to play. So they need some minor adjustments to make them more interesting, fun, unique and better balanced. And in several cases some adjustment to two or three talents and/or the active skill are enough. Also balance should not be something considered by comparison between classes only but also in context to available content. If classes would all be equally balanced but would all be overperform on the highest available official difficulty, then yes, IT IS a balance problem. So nerfs would be necessary from that standpoint alone.

I’ll repeat what I said above. Remove the default stagger effect from his shout and add it to the no thp Talent. You will then have three more interesting choices between health/revive, health/dr, cdr/stagger.

And while we are at it (and in addition to random suggestions I made before):

  • An active skill as strong as BW should have a higher cooldown (60 s like Pyromancer). Also stagger should be removed from or reduced for Kaboom (although visually/thematically kinda non-sensical), that would make for an actual interesting choice. Either going for high damage but with risk or going with lower damage but with control.

Do you know how much more damage kaboom does then burnout? I don’t seem to notice the increased damage on kaboom when playing, but maybe its a playstyle issue. If someone has numbers i’d be happy to know

Hm, I can test it this evening. But for now I have to pass on the numbers, maybe someone else has them at hand. But there is a definite difference as with Kaboom and Famished Flames you can burn down most horde enemies in a few seconds while otherwise they will survive.

Hmmm, it has to be a playstyle issue then or it got changed, because when kaboom got fixed i got the same damage as kaboom by using the entire burnout ult, the only difference is it ticks faster. how big is its range difference?