The blessing Sustained Fire for the Recon Lasgun does not work correctly (ADS)

Issue Description:
The blessing Sustained Fire for the Recon Lasgun does not work correctly specially while aiming down sight (ADS). When one is using the secondary fire to aim it will work the first time, but in order to generate a “new salvo” you need to wait at least 3 seconds without shooting for it to activate again.

If one hip fires, in order to generate a new salvo you only need to wait around a second. But if you miss counted and fire before the correct timings, the player needs to wait again the 2-3 seconds with ADS or 1 second with hip fire.

Steps to Reproduce:
I have used the Sustained Fire Tier 3 blessings with all the variants to test it on the Veteran, and only the Recon Lasgun Mk VId with the Psyker. There does not seem to be any talent/character related issues.

In order to reproduce it one only needs a Recon Lasgun with the Sustained Fire blessing, fire at least 4 shots to proc the blessing, and then wait less than 3 seconds and fire again while ADS. Or do the same actions but wait half a second or less before firing again while hip firing.


Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Disclaimer: the game has a dedicated icon in the HUD display for Sustained Fire, I tested the damage it dealt regardless if the icon was getting activated or not and the additional damage coincided with the icon getting highlighted

how about they just scrap these worthless blessings

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