Temp HP talent strength differs wildly

Coming from almost exclusively Legend PvE the Temp HP talents feel more or less all valid there.

In Versus, however, the THP on Stagger talents provide tons and tons of THP, with THP on Multihit and THP on Crit/Headshot being nicely average, and THP on Kill being almost imperceptible.

This is probably due to the chosen baseline difficulty setting in Versus but still could do with some adjustment I feel.


Stagger HP is strong, like really strong, the Meta THP perk by far, especially due to the high horde density of the versus mode, you can out-heal all sources of damage if you have enough rats to bash with your shield or shotgun melee

Just went up against a Bardin-Kruber-Warrior priest stack that were nearly constantly at full THP and the rare time we downed someone the Warrior Priest just used his special to insta-res and undo damage

For good measure they also had the elf talent to heal the whole team, coincidentally she was the only one we managed to kill cause she didn’t have a near-constant buffer of THP

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@vyo Kruber reviving talent area should be more little, in my opinion. (In Versus).

Possibly. It’s really strong on paper but funnily enough I’ve rarely seen it revive more than 1 other hero - Saltzpyre’s Revive comes in much more often and more consistently in my experience. But my experience is limited xD

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I have seen Kruber mercenary reviving 3 heroes at same time, like… 6 or 8 times.

Is… so annyoing…

I’ve usually seen Merc Kruber get focused early, so naturally that didn’t happen so often for me.

Don’t really know how to adjust it without making Merc be just worse than Footknight - perhaps revive only 1 nearest hero?

I think Merc Kruber is reasonable, at least he needs to get somewhat close to save his teammates and has his role as THP support and revive, unlike WP



Yeah he’s strong, but he fills a niche, and his ult is limited by range, if he gets nerfed in any way he becomes near useless, already been nerfed indirectly by THP decay increase

Has both less health, and a longer cool-down than that of Warrior Priest, which not only has ulimited res range, and can even save himself from grapples, but gives team-wide buffs, can heal the whole team by just killing rats with fury, and undo the last 3 seconds of damage


@Dennemi I still think that Mercenary reviving is a trauma for me.

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PVP may cause THP generation to be balanced? :eyes:

What do you mean by PvP? This is PvP, and some options are just flatout superior at the moment, to the point of making healing irrelevant for some of the careers with access to THP on Stagger.

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Was a joke. People have been wanting to see what you’ve said changed for a while.

I just find it funny that some of the issues with PVE might get fixed because of PVP. usually in games it’s the other way around, and causes negative things for the PVP. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Still waiting for some noclipping Specials changes.

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