Tag enemy with Mousewheel Down

I’d like to be able to tag enemies with mouse scroll wheel down. I can bind Tag to this, but it doesn’t do anything. This is the bind I use in Vermintide to tag enemies.


Me too! I wish this would work.

Glad to know I am not the only one who did this in VT. I assumed they intentionally prevent players from binding to the wheel for some reason.

Yeah did that in Vermintide too. Hope it will also be possible at some point in Darktide.

Yep, used to that from vermintide and unfortunately now it doesn’t seem to work.

As an alternative for now, I have bound my tag button to Left Click (Shooting/slashing). That way I auto-ping anything I’m attacking, just gotta make sure to swap to melee when pinging items so you don’t waste ammo :stuck_out_tongue: