Symbol for Sienna's overheating?

We get a symbol for how fellow team members stand in terms of ammunition. Would it be possible to get a symbol for us to see how Sienna is in terms of overheating?

EDITED: Fixed an error with the grammer.


Actually a pretty good idea. Would help aid decisions to pull your own ranged if you can see your Sienna is on overheat as the Assassin cacophony starts to chime.

Just a little yellow/orange flame, then a red one on overcharge would be hamdy. Other overheat weapons with a similar effect like Bardins FT, or the SotT Branch.

The moonfire bow would be the same deal I guess below 30%, then red below 10%? Or something like that.

But aye, cool idea.

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Not a bad idea; will pass this on to the UI team.


That’d be dope.

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