Survived the fall at the end of Refinery Delta-17

Issue Description:
Playing as a zealot on Refinery Delta-17, I got launched way off of the platform into the undermap. The “Until Death” passive kept me alive at 1 health from the fall. There was no way for me to take the last point of damage to go into the Captured status, and I was too far for any enemies to notice in order to attack me.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Play as Zealot.
  2. Play until the finale, just before the extract.
  3. With “Until Death” available, get launched by a Mutant or Exploding Barrel (or anything else that might send the character flying without killing them directly), beyond the platform so that the ledge hang animation is not or cannot be triggered.

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Refinery Delta-17 [Disruption mission type, if that matters]


Player ID:
Steam ID: 76561197980597568

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
12/01/2022, 05:03PM [GMT-8]

Reproduction Rate:
Unknown, as I have not attempted to recreate it yet.

Upload Supporting Evidence:

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-12-01-23.32.10-90bc3bb4-9157-4bf3-a91e-37c54a5f2c4e.log (617.0 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (904.8 KB)