Suggestion: Punish Only the First Player to Leave the Havoc Mission

Basically like Deadlock.

So, the first person to leave the match will lose an attempt, this does not extent to Deployment menu, but if somebody left during Deployment - nobody gets punished for leaving afterwards, including the guy who left during Deployment.

This does not extent to people who left the game because of Crash or Disconnect(There should be the known timer for reconnecting, and I think there is, after that time passes - others are free to leave), only those who pressed the Leave button get punished and are counted as leaving.
Or alternatively, this can be done the same way they dealt with leavers - those who left the game and did not rejoin are losing an attempt, which is a prefered way as practice shows

There also should be an indicator to show if it is safe to leave the match without losing an attempt

I want this system in order to minimize potential to grief the match and not punish the whole team for someones need to leave the game, be it ragequit, personal needs or connection issues

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It’s like they went out of their way to make a lobby system with the party finder that is so stacked against hosts like the exact opposite of pd2

In payday 2 the game is incredibly stacked for the host because they can just kick people right before the match ends with impunity. As said the main community response to people complaining about bad hosts and bad lobbies is HYOG (host your own game)

Here people are incentivised to not host games

they can’t kick bad actors or players that aren’t up to the task so their attempts can be ruined

People can leave their havoc game with impunity and just ruin one of the host’s 3 attempts at that havoc level
So hosts have to be incredibly stingy with who they pick especially for 30+ or risk deranking but they only have to choose from a limited pool of people exclusive to their instance of the Morningstar.

As said joining other people’s games is risk free and has all the same rewards as hosting. It’s such an insanely poorly thought out and executed lobby system.


Yeah, it isn’t great and was not really thought through.

It feels like they tested it with only premades in the office environment, where nobody can just leave during matches, and everybody is in the same room and region, with only one of them being host at all times.

The only difference is that host gets his Havoc rank immediately and can host games on that level

This system also leads to bad experience for people who only join games too, as they can not continue from where they left off, often are forced to beg to join much higher Havoc levels than they can, because there is not point to join Havocs of levels less than yours until you reached Havoc 40.
But they certainly benefit more than those who host, I’ve seen many more level 40 Havoc players who join than those who host

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