This is only if you focus solely on the numbers…
I did say
and the point is that, indeed, it needs to scale.
The mechanics of having a threshold (that scales with difficulty, of course) under which enemies are executed (the number would be enough to instakill trash but not enought for elites and specials) and continuous damage over cast time (to reach said threshold on enemies that fit within the threshold + [total damage over cast time] range of HP) means that casting BB cannot be a waste.
Moreover, if allies hit the target with the blue halo, they contribute to reaching the threshold of execution faster, promoting teamplay and focusing the same enemies rather than discouraging it or generating frustration when it happens.
The threshold should be looked at and tested and tweaked, but somewhere between 40% and 60% of a mauler’s HP seems about right, with damage over cast time totaling between 25% and 40% of their HP as well.
That means that you would deal a total of 65-100% of a mauler’s HP per cast, and if at any point, for any reason, during your cast, his health reaches below the threshold, he’s popped.
That means you’d instantly pop trash and generate warp charges. (Yes, warp charges should be reworked, see below).
That means that, unless you’re using it against an enemy with more HP than BB deals damage and nobody in your team is helping you take that enemy out, your cast time will be shortened.
That means that monsters still get chunked, albeit, indeed, over 3 seconds, more or less as it is now (hopefully a bit stronger).
This adresses your 4 points :
- High damage potential (obviously damage would scale)
- Encourages teamplay to reach execution threshold, aura contributes to that
- Removes competition out of BB, and casting it is never wasted
- You get to make choices : "Do I use BB to gain fast Warp Charges (reworked to synergize with playstyle, see below), or do I keep it for Elites and Specials ?"
This also allows for gameplay flexibility, playing as an Elite and Special handler or rush into melee. This would require some further talent tree rework to allow for these different playstyles, but the possibility doesn’t exist otherwise.
You could then easily make three talent trees :
- one that focuses on BB (higher threshold, more damage, soulblaze stacks on execute, etc.)
- one that focuses on melee (chance to not consume warp charge on empowered hit, chance to generate warp charge on melee kill, gain more toughness per warp charge, etc.)
- one that focuses on control (staff spell charge speed per warp charge, chance when venting to consume warp charge to instantly quell 40% Peril, etc.)
They all rely on BB for warp charges, but charges would be easy to gain, synergize with builds, and would not decay other than by being used.
I see this bringing the Psyker back up on par with other classes in terms of contribution to the team.