Suggestion: "No Ammo Pickups" = "Only Ammo Pickups"

I’m sure it has been suggested before. But I would like to see a game mode where instead of “NO ammo pickups”, it would be “ONLY ammo pickups”. No stimms, no loot, no medkits etc. ONLI BOULETTS!

Gunlugger Ogryn is too fun to play, but you have two choices.

1: Play restrictively and conserve ammunition. zzZzzZzzzzZzz!
2: Play like saving ammo is a crime against the Emperor of Mankind. \o/ yey

The issue with the second one is that you consume every bullet in sight. And not all players enjoy having no bullets. So give us a bullet-hose-mode, pretty please. :pray:

Me after a round of Gunlugger:


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