Send us straight to a proper PC game menu with the character select, settings/options, exit game.
If the servers are down as they are now, you get stuck in a loop and can’t exit the game without Alt-F4. Not a big deal but it reveals the flaw in having to “press to start” and needing a server to get to settings, graphics, keybindings etc. It’s senselss console peasantry. Menus should not be gatekept.
Just go back to the successful and working model of launching a game and ending up in a menu after videos. +allow us to toggle off the videos((or delete/rename the files) and just remove the “press ‘space’ to start” screen altogether.
During the Beta, several people pointed out that getting back into a game after a crash takes an asbsurdly long time and too many clicks and hopefully you plan to let us join straight to a match via steam friends’ list.
- Launch
- Launcher Launch
- Skip intro
- Skip start screen (oh, you have to queue to get to your game settings… position in queue: 18280)
- reconnect
I guess our keybindings and graphics settings are saved to the server??