Currently, I either have to type words at people (eugh! ) or spam my ready up button so I make motions at people (but also potentially become mistaken for an impatient heretic) for noncommittal communication within the pre-game lobby.
Im all about noncommittal communication. Luvs me 4 the empra shout. Luvs me thank you button. Luvs me duck button and weapon swap button, both a staple of noncommittal camaraderie in lifts etc. These are ingame though.
Id really love a way to praise the empra and make motions at people, see how faith moves a body! in the pre-game lobby. call me sick, call me whatever, but this is how I feel.
I’ve literally only seen people emote like 3-4 times over the 2 years I’ve played this game. Not sure what Fatshark was thinking limiting the emotes to the Mourningstar when that place is always empty, and nobody is ever interacting with eachother cuz there’s no incentive to. Everyone is sitting in their menus, not like there is even anything to do at all on the Mourningstar besides buy and craft weapons.
But using Morse code with your ready ups is truly the emperors will!
But yeah, I’d enjoy having access to the emote wheel or some form of it during missions (we get so many as rewards now and I literally haven’t even equipped any of them since they just serve no function). I know you’re intended to move, but there are elevators, there are small load zones. It would be nice to just ‘throw up a salute’ with your cheer in these areas, along with the standard ‘scroll wheel weapon swap at warp speed’ and ‘mash block button to signal amicability at a team mate’.
One could do as other games before it too and ‘swap to third person during the emote to show you your drip’, so that buying cloths isn’t something you just see in the load screen but also in game every so often. Though some rejects might not like that…but that’s what penance a̶n̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ c̶a̶s̶h̶ s̶h̶o̶p̶ is for!