Suggestion - different character personality for different builds

I really think that it would be cool if we could set a personality to a loadout so it can differ from build to build.


Umm sorry but I disagree. :frowning_face:

I think letting us tie some stuff into loadouts would be fantastic! Like weapon skins, and all the free-to-change stuff after the patch like iirc variants, blessings, perks etc. whatever there is.

But personality represents a more permanent choice. So at least personally I want it to feel like it matters, where what a character sounds like and acts like is more than just a passing flavour everyone changes between every mission.

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I mean, it’s already not a permanent choice as from recent updates Sefoni can change it. So why not? If you want your personality not changing - just dont change anything. I personally like the idea to make it more flexible.


It’s because it costs $texas to change personality and having those changes occur every time you switch loadout would be kind of wack.

Aside from that, I feel like who your character is and the clothes/guns they decided to bring today are entirely separate, so it wouldn’t make much sense for your dude to somehow have an entirely different personality with a different set of guns.


What if you had different characters then?

A professional vet with a Krieg set sounds correct, but the cutthroat sounds bad. However it goes pretty well with the chem-dog set, etc

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