I was recently sorta messing around with the idea myself, actually. Here’s some silly little mathing that I did…
Heavy Stubber Mk I (Human) - Light Mark
Ammo: 75/300
Damage: 280
RoF: 5.38/s
Heavy Stubber Mk II (Human) - Medium Mark
Ammo: 65/260
Damage: 350
RoF: 4.55/s
Heavy Stubber Mk III (Human) - Heavy Mark
Ammo: 45/180
Damage: 505
RoF: 3.13/s
To create these examples, I simply doubled the Twin-Linkeds’ Damage whilst halving their Ammo and RoF, although I think that I might give it another go by making them even closer to the Twin-Linkeds’ stats. More dakka is more good. They would also have slightly less spread than the Twin-Linkeds but would still be Braced Weapons, because they only have the one barrel but they’re still a “Heavy Support Weapon” and such.
I haven’t actually gone through and balanced them individually between one another, I just followed the Twin-Linkeds’ mathing to a T. Because I can’t actually test these concepts’ Stats accurately in-game, I’m not sure if these Stats would qualify as “balanced” AT ALL and thus they should be taken as (again) concepts rather than ACTUAL Weapon proposals.
I’m torn on whether I want this or a helgun (preferably you’d get both) but yeah bullets and something larger than space AK is a big missing part of the game. Though I think they need to make some overhauls to ogryn stubbers (minus Achlys which is not heavy at all) and auto pistols too. Sure it may have sounded annoying when everyone was using it for like 6 months, but now it feels garbage even in heresy.
You mean having what the heretics heavy gunners use against us ? It would be great in fact to have at least 2 of them ; the dreg’s one who have bullets, a crazy fire rate and is great against the unarmoured/horde, on the other hand the scab’s one being laser based, a slower fire rate but excellent against armoured enemies.
I was thinking also about the “special attack” is to use the bipedal mode when crouched or on something smaller than our character, turning into a “sentry mode”, having close to no knockback/huge buff to weapon handling but in exchange you can only turn to around 120 degrees and you exit the sentry mode if you move again, a bit similar to what we have with LMGs back in Payday 2.
I ended up doing this. These were created with -10% of Twin-Linkeds’ Ammo and RoF as well as +10% of Twin-Linkeds’ Damage…
Heavy Stubber Mk I (Human)
Ammo: 135/540
Damage: 154
RoF: 9.68/s
Heavy Stubber Mk II (Human)
Ammo: 117/468
Damage: 193
RoF: 8.18/s
Heavy Stubber Mk III (Human)
Ammo: 81/324
Damage: 278
RoF: 5.63/s
They’re a lot closer to the Twin-Linkeds than my original concept because I considered my initial concepts to be too meaty with not enough dakka.
Again, these would have less spread than the Twin-Linkeds but would still be Braced Weapons because…
I really don’t know, though. I’m not very confident in such things unless I can actually test them myself because practice is always better than theory.
My biggest concern’s about how well these things would actually hold up against Braced Autoguns in practice.
Maybe I should try the OPPOSITE approach and make the Veteran Heavy Stubber have even higher Ammo and RoF at the cost of doing less Damage compared to the Twin-Linkeds?
Heavy stubbers seem to be anything from real life analogues of 5.56mm LMGs to 14.5mm KPV. It is basically just a “machninegun”, yeah, but I wouldn’t mind them called just “stubber”