This might seem a bit trivial, but as someone who relies heavily on icons for builds at a glance, it would be helpful if we can have the ability to change the icons on accessories (Necklaces, Charms and Trinkets) to help us organize our builds better, especially when switching between Campaign and Campaign - Cataclysm no book loadouts.
For example, I usually use Myrmidia’s Seal on my Charm on Sienna, but I only have one copy of that and multiple copies of Count’s Ring. If I can change the icon on one of my Count’s Ring to Myrmidia’s Seal, then that would help distinguish that this particular item is for Sienna only.
And no, I don’t want to spend 5x Bright Dusts and just upgrade an Exotic item just to change an icon. That is why I’m leaving this feedback.
Thank you!