Stutters lasting 1-3 seconds since Path of Redemption

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Unknown origin of problem, I did 2 matches early in the day without issue but all my matches in the evening had my screen freezing for 1-3 seconds at a time.

PC Specs: I7 10700F | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 | 32 GB RAM

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Often (<75%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)


I’m having a similar issue. I hope they will fix it, the game is unplayable for me.

same here slower/older pc tried with and without mods no change. thought it was just a mourningstar issue that I had in past (without mods) but got almost as frequent in stuttering ingame. Theres a mod?! on nexus recently uploaded to edit registry to prioritise CPU for the Darktide.exe . . seemed a little coincidental that it would appear after the redemption patch so giving it a whirl (no change)… what makes it worse I can’t even type in chat to see if others are experiencing the same as thats bugged too… lol

I am also having these issues. Since the update, frame stutters and frame drops have been occurring. Not enough to prevent playing the game, but enough that the experience feels far more jank than it did pre-patch.

There is also a bad stutter when missions load in, such that the mission opening animation of the 4 reject operatives walking forward usually has animation glitches and stutters.

There has also been an increase in audio dropouts or audio stutters. I’ve played 3 missions since the new patch, and I’ve had SFX and music stutter or temporarily stop mid-mission.

I do not have mods installed, and play on the PC Xbox gamepass version.

PC Specs: i7-12700K | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti | 46 GB RAM, game installed on an SSD drive.

I got the same, I capped my FPS at 120 ( I would get more) but every couple of matches the game starts randomly to drop to 60-80FPS and it stutters and lags like hell until i restart. I don’t know if this is triggered randomly or if some psyker staff animations are causing this issue again.

Dear insolent developers, I’m really really really really really REAAAALLLY keen on waiting precompilation of whatever shaders needs to be compiled even if it takes 6 effing months (I’m guessing that’s half your age) before the game launch. This is unacceptable.

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