Day In …and Day out …
As I Log on …Hoping for some Change or Some route down the Psykers talent tree that i just so happen to miss… that one Perfect Build Where i don’t have to kill an Elite or some highlighted Npc that my fellow varlets happens to kill keeping me Nerf through the entire Mission …
Not only Being an Obstacle in the road of witnessing My True Potential, My Untethered, Raw , Unlimited Power!! But just Straight up Killing my mood of what was suppose to be a 20-30 min Victory of wiping the floor with heretics… and their Mini Bosses SO much to the point of me literally asking …WHAT AM I DOIN WITH MY LIFE RIGHT NOW??
And I’m sure we all heard it and wishing for the day it happens …But Devs !! can you please PLEASE give us a better Option on making Warp Siphon, Empowered Psionics, and Disrupt Destiny Proc ??
I mean the Fact we have to wait for that one special Npc in our lives to show up to make us shine …
To Only get shut down because either… we didn’t kill enough elites in time or that one random gunner thats in the back but just a second ago, it was another gunner a tad closer .
…make the long story short… We come up short (Sometimes) for that window of opportunity we could’ve pulled through for the team with that Powerful Psyker damage…
and i’m sure everyone else has there complaints for their favorite class but hell, if it wasn’t for Ogryns, stabby tabby zealots and Grenade happy Vets… most likely i wouldn’t have got my achievements for the twins…
SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF THE EMPEROR !! make them proc when we hit our blitz or Scrier’s Gaze OR ??? let us build up our power easier with regular mobs and able to save that warp energy or Stacks … and not give us 15 secs when the boss ain’t even here yet…
Just imaging if the A.I could allow bosses to make sly remarks about finishing too early