Stop cocking the gun

Aside from the Lasguns, every time I switch from melee to my ranged weapon, the character cocks the gun.

Its cocked after each reload, why am i adding time to the weapon switch animation? Ejecting rounds to add to the challenge? :rofl:

Please change this!


I totally agree with you here - especially with the bolt pistol, it strikes me as very negative.

If my character is not able to remember for 5 seconds whether a bullet is in the chamber or not, at least a bullet should be ejected every time ā€¦ if it should be a balance decision ā€¦


donā€™t forget if you swap away when itā€™s empty and then swap back they do it again even though it has no bullets in before you can reload.


Good news, I think weā€™re moving in this direction.

Now, keep complaining, most certainly keep complaining, but I think we are seeing movement. The lasguns arenā€™t getting cocked anymore. (Or whatever it is they do with that lever.)

The ammunition guns are, but Iā€™m hopeful they are next.


its the weight mechanic it takes time to swap to ranged weapons now , and they recycled the charge animation , the naimation might get changed but it will remain functionally the same

Iā€™m hopeful that speedbump will be removed eventually. Itā€™s pretty obvious itā€™s a nerf to ranged to help melee exist at all.

Especially it needs to go from opening a door or throwing a grenadeā€¦ But even if it stays, it wonā€™t be so grating as now where you are constantly doing something impossible and unnecessary. Anyone who knows guns at all is driven nuts by it.

Itā€™s like if you were driving a car in a game and your avatar kept doing the opposite of what was reality for controlling a car.

So even if we do get an animation as a time filler to fill the time they are adding to getting a weapon out, it wonā€™t be one that drives us slowly insane.

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I know they did this for balance, but itā€™s more annoying than anything and itā€™d be nice if it was gone.


I hope they change it in the near future (after adding the Shrine of the Omnissiah), but at least ADDRESS it. It is not only mind jarring, it is flat out WRONG!
I mean, it is ok if someone does not know how a gun operates or at least should, but the team green-lighting this should check it and stop it.

This issue (the cocking the gun) is especially worse if one does a raid mission (where you collect the casks (either pathogen or ammunition, does not matter)), after EVERY locker one opens the character cocks the gun.
Meaning that after looking through several lockers the ammo counter should be already at 50% or even lower.
(Plus its just looking so DUMB, who would do that? Who would c o c k (seems you are not allowed to write this word, yeah, year 2022 - Children will rise) his gun E V E R Y time. Again and again and again?)

Again, it is so mind jarring that it made it in the game. Glad, we have at least a premium shop operating on psychological manipulation.

The functionality is fine or at least I do not mind. Give me a safety for Omnissiahā€™s sake, this would at least make some sense (not in every situation, like when you open 5+ lockers, but better than cocking the gun).
Just not what we have right now.

dont think so , this weight mechanic is simply another balancing tool amongst the ranged. and frankly i like it think its one of the smarter moves they made , How do you deal with the bolt gun? most games just end up nerfing it and making it a full auto ballistic rifle , but with the weight mechanic you have a new avenue to bring cost to a weapon which lets them put the gun in the game in its pant dampening glory and maintain the valid use of other clearly lesser weapons.

if they get rid of weight and balance it around its stats its going to get nerfered down to base auto rifle power levels.

so imma gonna have to disagree with you guys and hope it stays.

The choice of the animation is creating a baffling amount of annoyance from the gun peeps. theres lots of things that are way more wierd but pose no issues , the magical fairies that move your ammo from a half used mag into the next one, there fine, but a gun that needs re charging everytime is too much.

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There is only one time when the animation makes sense, which they actually coded.

If you reload your weapon, and interrupt it with a weapon swap after the magazine is loaded in, but before itā€™s cocked. It will still say 0 ammo when you swap back to it, but when cocked it will go up to full ammo as the new mag is chambered/charged

This issue is getting WAY more attention than what it deserves.

Itā€™s a game, a SCIFI game and they need a way to delay bringing out your gun for balancing reasons and they tried to make it seem cool by doing it this way.

Whenever you go to the cinema, ALL THE TIME, the hero says an epic quote and cocks his gun even if it is totally unnecessary. Yet, they still do it. Why?

Because itā€™s a movie and itā€™s cool/badass looking.

If they remove it, it will be replaced by a delayed reveal of the gun as the hero slooowly changes from his melee weapon because they now canā€™t show any animation at all. Is this preferable to you?

And no, they canā€™t simply make the weapon appear instantly because thatā€™s how they balanced the game and itā€™s not DOOM.

This has nothing to do with ā€œannoyance from the gun peepsā€.
Also the ā€œre chargingā€ is the reload which we have to do after a weapon is empty. The cocking of the weapon is O N L Y needed for example when:

  • weapon is dry, no ammo left, AFTER inserting a new mag
  • weapon is dry and one wants to close the breech again
  • weapon is jamming/ malfunctioning

What we do:

  • Weapon is fine, ammo is there, we just cocking the weapon
  • We make a step, cocking the weapon
  • we open a locker, cocking the weapon
  • ā€¦

Silly, is it not? This has nothing to do with ā€œgetting fresh ammo into the magsā€ or such. We also do not need to tie our shoes after sprinting or getting the weapon up again after loosing it because we where it by a 5t stone hammer from the Crusher.

Some ā€œmagical thingsā€ are needed for the game to work (like the ā€œmissing animationā€ where we add fresh ammo to our mags or when we tie our shoes), others not (cocking the weapon ALL THE TIME).

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your kind of proving my point :wink: its just an animation , sure they should of made a bespoke one but we know what its doing.
it being a game not a sim . its not simulating real world weapons, magical bullet moving fairies are fine, but sci fi weapons operating differently ā€¦ mass outrage over the animation thats just there as a visual que for a balance mechanic.

you can make up tech reasons for it if you want the bolter as an example isnt a ballistic weapon in the first place, has no firing pin or hammer to trigger a charge. its projectiles are launched not fired , whose to say a safety element built into the weapon isnt that projectile being pushed out of the firing position when your hand leaves the grip so it does need re charging each time?

The bolter is a two stage weapon actually. Itā€™s fired out of the bolter and becomes self propelled outside of the barrel. Maybe not post about things with such authority when you donā€™t actually know what youā€™re talking about.

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Letā€™s Just add the fact the animation is played every time you get grabbed by a mutantiā€¦ :sweat_smile:


im so so sorry i guessed wrong about how the bolter fuctions , but at least you get to put on your inquisotor cos play and purge me for heresy

while your at it correct the wiki

Bolter Ammunition (a bolt) is primarily a .75 calibre rocket-propelled round. Whereas conventional solid slugs utilise a propellant charge contained in a casing that forces the bullet down the barrel upon ignition, in contrast, a bolt is self-propelled; it features its own integrated solid fuel propellant that propels the bolt at high speeds, essentially acting like a miniature rocket.

No, of course your point about the ā€œis simply another balancing toolā€ is valid =)
I just wish they would use a ā€œrelease the safetyā€ animation or such and not cocking the gun (>;o;<)

Very annoying when using my Helbore Mk2, sometimes I really just need to shoot in the moment and that animation results in me getting shot in the face and suppressed.

You are correct, and I was thinking I might need to touch on this subject.

Weā€¦ are okay with the unrealistic when itā€™s in the background and not in our faces 80% of the time and especially when it benefits the player or saves time. There is still a line, and this is way over the line.

The hero in an action movie never has trouble parking.

Now, Iā€™m willing to buy that we edited out our heroes taking a smoke break for some obscura and magazine consolidationā€¦

ā€¦But also, we are willing to overlook things that benefit the player. I loved playing saltpyre. His flintlock pistols made no sense at all. In Vermintide one, he didnā€™t even reload them, he just got 80 new pistols out of an ammo pack and there was an animation for dropping them on the floor. There were all kind of memes about it. The second one is about how we all used to shoot the elf because of the fur outfit in V1.

That bothered me, and I bet it bothered a lot of other people, but we were willing to look the other way on it. We arenā€™t here, itā€™s just toooo glaring. Itā€™s more glaring then an ammo crate also containing 80 loaded master crafted flintlock pistols. In V2 he ā€˜reloaded themā€™ occasionally by ā€¦ just cocking them.

Here, we overlook the miscount on ammunition when reloading. Should be 31 instead of 30 if a magazine holds 30. I can overlook finding boxes of ā€™ generic ammoā€™ instead of the exact ammo that fits in this stub revolver or that autogun or the ogryn shotgun.

There is, as you are kind of hypothesizing, an invisible line of unrealism beyond which you bug the heck out of the viewer.

Now, in film, this willingness to overlook thing is called ā€˜the willing sustention of disbeliefā€™ and that is very, very important. Another word is ā€œVerisimilitudeā€ which means ā€œhaving the appearance of truth.ā€

And this is way, way over that line. Itā€™s just too unreal because we know how these machines work, we are getting our face right up close to the unreal, and itā€™s driving us nuts.


TLDR: We can overlook the unreal. We canā€™t when itā€™s this bad and our face is this close to it.

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