While I despise the ‘muh secret club’ sht FS has going with them. I’d assume that not even the testers are that brain damaged.
From what I’ve seen telopots has been relentlessly shitting on the recent update and many class related changes. Most of which I’d agree with. But then again, that’s just one of however many. You may be right after all.
In my experience, most people quickplay. If this party finder was attached to quickplay then it would be very useful. Imagine having a list of games in progress you could join and what maps and modifiers they are, and with an option to only search for games not yet started.
You mean a server browser? Like the one Vermintide 2 has had for a few years? The marvels of lost technology…
(Yes I know VT2 just shows you games hosted by people and not actual dedicated servers, the essence is still the same)
Out of all the possible features they could add, a premade party tool that adds an extra step between me and playing (where i want to have as little of these steps as possible, this is partially why i hate the mourningstar) had to be the stupidest choice.
Why couldn’t we get something more useful? Naming my weapons, perhaps? Search bar for the inventory? Actual stat screen that summarizies all of my stamina, toughness etc?
All of these are present in mods but instead of taking those features and implementing them into the base game we get this.
If you wanted to make the mourningstar a more social place, you should’ve added the bar from the trailers where i can play some cards or regicide or something. Instead all we got was a dead button under ESC that I looked at once.
Fatshark does not seem to understand how their game is played. Or rather, how do people start playing it.
Always been the case. Remember they never expected people to play vermintide 2 as much as they did.
They by some miracle solved the gameplay challenge but fumble every other aspect around it.
I’m not sure why, but imagined that it would work more like a filter for QP than a true group finder.
Sorry team FS, I know you added this with the best of intentions. I hope this is a first draft and that it won’t be written off as a failure of the concept, because the concept is good. The issue is that people associate lobby lists with the freedom to choose what they play. This game doesn’t allow that because it forces map rotations.
Also, whoever said “lets tuck it away in the menus instead of putting it in that one place that’s literally dedicated to finding people to play with” either wants LFG to fail, or should spend the rest of the day thinking about what they’ve done.