Spanish Article on future plans/itemisation

Agreed, there is no information on item acquisition and that would include info on how you get items in the first place, how the statlines are generated, what affect initial rarity will have on the initial statline and leveling process, etc. etc.

In a vacuum, the leveling process seems like a step in a okay-to-good direction, but it does hinge on a lot of other information that we don’t have.

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As a former member of a lot of alpha testing (mainly MMO games and games from Wargaming and Targem), I can understand what you’re talking about. There will always be a person who somehow merges information (on purpose or not, and by specifically I mean “planned”).

And yes, you are absolutely right, what was “drained”, if it is “drained” at all, may have nothing to do with what will eventually be implemented.

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That’s the problem of communication…
They never give us informations (look that this thread has started by a spanish article). And there’s nothing that can help to understand the system we will get

As I said, it will be or a masterpiece, or the end of Darktide… or something between both ;p
no way we can know what they will deliver us cause… they don’t know how to communicate.

based on how every tide title has handled grind I’d wanna venture a guess that FS is either just weirdly attached to grindy systems OR there’s a lack of confidence in the idea of the core gameplay alone providing adequate retention. I really couldn’t tell you what the logic is, given all these “retention” systems tend to achieve the opposite AND the core gameplay is plenty retentive…it’s like the whole point of playing the game. It’s also not like this is feedback that they’ve never heard before so yeah, idk man.


My apologies, didn’t see them on my tiny phone. I can see what you’re talking about now that I’ve swapped to PC.

This is like the core of the problem with the whole company. They (seem to) never learn and never get it. All the information and detailed feedback and even suggestions you could ever wish for have been blasted at them since forever (even before DT) but they never get it. I’ve never seen a game developer be their own worst enemy like this.

I’m obviously speaking prematurely here, but based off of this, which even though it’s possibly outdated will still be indicative of their general direction, this is such a horrible attempt at a solution. This is more overcomplexity we absolutely do not need. The crafting process needed streamlining, RNG minimization and grind reduction, not more tedious and opaque systems.


Let’s hope this one does not get taken down.
Considering that it is the only bit of information that we have gotten since a year or so.

They never had any confidence in their gameplay in the first place:

The third game of its kind and they still don’t understand why people enjoy tide games:

It’s the visceral combat loop that has literally 0 alternatives.

All they have to do is fuel that combat loop with new weapons and something roguelite like chaos wastes. That’s all they need to keep people busy for hundreds of hours, massively increasing the chance of MTX spending.

I have no idea how they can be this dense still.


That… and don’t ask for macro transaction.
Micro transactions work in every games… why did they think that they could put macro transaction in their game and hoped to sell bad cosmetics at this price?


So it seems like there is a “spend ressources” aspect as well as a “use the weapon in missions” aspect.

Here are my opinions on that:

  • stat upgrades should mostly be tied to ressources (getting access to stat upgrades beyond 80 or 90 could be locked behind weapon usage)
  • anything else that requires to “use the weapon in missions” should be account wide and for the whole weapon family, not for each individual weapon
  • blessings should still be earnable in a way similar to what we have now, but should also be unlockable in a deterministic way (for example, if you have leveled a weapon to lvl 30, each additional level up allows you to pick a blessing of choice to unlock)

If we have to play a bunch with each individual item, before we can even test it properly, that would be pretty bad.
It should be possible to grind for ressources with any class/setup and apply the ressources earned from that grind to any item we want.

A system where it feels like you are wasting your time, when you keep playing with your favorite equipment, is kinda bad.

So it’s some weird mix of athanor and battlepass it seems:


  • locks are still there


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Oh boy. They gotta go.

The item is only lvl 16/30, so there is hope.
They can add lock removal for ressources or removal of one lock at weapon lvl 25 and the other at lvl 30.
Don’t care.

As long as people who play the game, can actually get the items they want.
There should be absolutely no possibility what so ever, that an item can be permanently bricked.

Heyo, popping in here to clear up a couple things. As mentioned last week, we are continuing to iterate on the system with further player feedback and testing. The article shared an outdated WIP and it does not represent the final version.
I can let you in on this secret though: we are removing the locks. :unlock:


So any weapon can be permanently unbricked, and be prevented from ever being bricked at a later point in time?

This is potentially the best crafting related news since release.


This is a crucial thing Fatshark should spread all over the media like Nurgle does with plague


Ungh. :frowning:

If I’m put in the position of having to choose whether to use my highly levelled knife, or take another option for levelling purposes and be objectively a worse team mate for 10 (? 20, 30 ?) games, then I don’t think I’ll be experimenting with other weapons and this change will be a big fat fail.

Enough with the grind. I’ve done 1100 hours of grind. Just let me put what I want on my weapon. Let me decide if I want it to be good at A or good at B. I can handle not being good at doing both.


If I had a convenient text block space as a .sig, this would now be it.


I swear to god, if you just replace locks with something else.
I will go to Sweden and commit a crime
If not, and we actually will get a compelling and good item system
I will give you a couple more sales as I will sing the gospel of your games irl again

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low-key think it’s just gonna be the Athanor with a 40k skin and be pushed out after the summer because there isn’t any new content to push out in the fall so they just wanna parch it put over the year

More blessings without removing locks=more tries to get what you exactly want(see the picture)

BUT you get the choice to level up lowbie weapons with right blessings.

See the tricks here? Still a bad gamble.