Spanish Article on future plans/itemisation

Who is this elusive ‘testing team’ everyone keeps mentioning anyway? And is there a confirmed positive change that they’ve actively influenced?


we’d have to wait until this patch is out but I think so

Attempting to shutdown the discourse by hand waving this away as being outdated isn’t helping anyone. If we don’t make noise about this now, then Fatshark will think this is what people want, go forward with it, then get blind sided by negative feedback; 'sides, specifics or not , if that’s all they have to show after years of work, then it’s a regression from this:

And this:

That’s not great, at all. There is still going to be locks but instead of it being a lottery ticket it’s now a freakin’ grind. Even worse it’s now a battlepass progression type system to improve certain attributes or properties of a weapon - because that’s exactly what I want from all my years of playing Vermintide, to participate in a battlepass progression to improve my gear.

All this showcases is that they’re still infatuated with player retention stratagems at the cost of end user satisfaction.


It also shows that just like Vermintide 2, they have no idea why people play their games. I remember reading this one article about Vermintide 2 where FS was suprised that people played their games for that much time.

It might help to dump some honest hours into your own game to understand what people like and dislike. The more information comes out about anything FS does, the more you can see just how disconnected they are from their playerbase imo.



So is it each individual weapon that levels? Kind of like leveling up the Machine Spirit?

Or is the leveling in all weapons of that type like it is improving our character’s skill in wielding that type of weapon?

And if the second, does it carry across all characters the way blessings currently work? Or is it per character?

Way to find a new way to just double down on the stuff no one likes, Fatshark. Well done indeed.



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It’s kind of sad they don’t have the confidence in their in-mission gameplay to keep people playing and instead feels like they’re more relying on player-unfriendly meta-systems to inflate retention.

Fun is hard to quantify in reports.


Every time man, every time, I swear that I just keep getting gaslit with this game and its makers. First it was that whole, “oh we totally meant plasma gun and not radiation weaponry”, now it’s: “guy that’s just an outdated press kit”.


At least Hank explicitly said it was their speculation that it could be outdated, which is still more information than what is coming out of more official channels.

I mean they did like 1 survey and i think that was maybe a year ago?

It’s not like people have been saying, since launch, “hey the gamepaly, visuals, music, and other stuff in the moment to moment gameplay is really good but the tertiary systems aren’t”.

I don’t know how many times they need to redo copies of the same system before they get that it’s not what people get the tide games for and how they manage to make it worse with every iteration right after the fix the initial problems in the last title.

It’s like they had no confidence in letting the game stand on it’s own merit, shoved a bunch of garbage in to “improve player engagement”, were surprised when it did the opposite, and spent a year trying to focus test the answer when it was literally right in front of their faces the whole time.

The highest spike post release was the class update which, surprise, was gameplay focused and gave people more freedom to mess around with new stuff in the moment to moment gameplay.


I wish someone could just send this to whoever is in charge of directing this rework. They need to read this. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.


Is there a way to pass this to the elusive ‘feedback’ group everyone is talking about?

I’m having trouble parsing that highlighted part. Can someone translate it into English?

It read to me like that there are multiple paths/choices to pick as you’re levelling the weapon.

If this is legit, I’m somewhat intrigued. I once suggested such a system because it would fit the setting pretty well and would be the only way to make a system that makes sense. In 40k, exceptional weapons are rarely built but are either found or made by people using such weapons and giving them a relic or legendary status. Each relic weapon in 40k has an age-old story and name attached.

So, in summary, a system whereby we make our weapons special and personal by using them rather than slapping money and metal on them makes total sense in the context.

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You can rewrite this article by adding just a couple of sentences to make Fatshark and Darktide look like a complete failure.
I mean, the fricking thing starts with this:

If there’s a study that has proven to know well what to do with Warhammer’s license, it’s FatShark.

Anyway, from what i can gather from the screenshots, every type of weapon will have a mastery tied to it. Supposedly, the more you use a certain type of weapon, the more “crafting capacity” you get for that type, the more times you can do stuff with the weapon - either enhance the base stats, change perks\blessings to a higher tier, etc.

Which… doesn’t sound like fun at all, since i think it still leaves the biggest problems with current crafting system in place - that being stats not having any real impact on gameplay and bricking of a great weapon base as a possibility.

The locks in that image were indicating that level 3 and 4 blessings had not been unlocked for that weapon.

There was nothing in those two images to indicate that changes to a weapon were locked after two modifications, although nothing explicit to indicate they weren’t either.

Other than Hank and Incan are on it couldn’t tell you much else.

Crusher changes for one.

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I don’t think Hank knows any more things about the new itemization system, than we do.
It’s all speculation.