oooh, you’re looking to be able to group weapons together by family, right? When you said “type”, I thought you meant individuals within a family (which you can use ‘Name’ for).
it used to group them as individual within a family, i can’t do that anymore
i meant what i said, weapon Type, dont care about the family
if you sort by type you would have every type in aplhabetic orders, and on hardon it would keep you on the selected weapon type
when i craft weapons with the brunt armory option, i want to be able to upgrade those with plasteel by sorting weapon type, now i have to seek them one by one
the first does that by rating, the second (group by name) does it by name (type)
blessing category (both rating and name) doesn’t follow alphabetic order though for some reason (still very good when crafting i reckon)
but the best part of the mod is that you can toggle on and off the vanilla sorting options (something that should have implemented in the game but blablabla)
I would love to sort by family - especially the knives and blades are often scattered about.
Also, when I have multiple weapons with the same final rating, and I sort by name, their order with that name/rating seems to be random.
Gotta look for that mod. I’m already using one to use text search in the inventory, couldn’t hurt to have better base sorting, as well.