Kraks bust elites like Crushers very nicely. Frag grenades decimate most other enemies in a considerable aoe. These are universally applicable tools. Smoke Grenades, for the most part, negate the danger of the “room full of shooters / snipers” scenario that teams can sometimes encounter. Therefore, Smoke Grenades are gimmicky, which is bad enough already. To make things worse, the extended use of them promotes turning the gameplay experience for everyone else into a complete blur of grey smoke for most of the match. The worst aspect of Smoke Grenades which I believe is universally despised is that they block line of sight so long as they’re thrown in meaningful places, causing them to weaken the entire team’s ability to either see a dangerous enemy or group and kill them or prepare for them. I have personally witnessed smoke spam steer the team into losses or blind them to enemies that smoke made them unable to prepare for.
To avoid that end, I have some simple suggestions that can improve the usefulness of Smoke Grenades.
Partially transparent smoke for the team. I wouldn’t mind them personally if they were a mild haze that could be seen through by allies rather than an overwhelming gray fog. As they are right now I find it more fun to run out of them than to stay in them. They are boredom inducing in their current foggy state IMO. To be clear, I mean them to be transparent to allies from all distances. They should never harshly obscure vision. If you are familiar with VT2, think Bardin, Ranger Veteran Smoke Bomb levels of transparent.
Smoke Ally Buff. What I wish to suggest is a movement speed buff for allies which activates once they leave the smoke and persists for a couple of seconds. The status of the buff resets on entering the smoke again to prevent any weird high movement speed abuse inside the cloud. This buff could be used aggressively to charge forward or retreat defensively, giving Smoke Grenades a distinct identity valuable to any team composition and across very many different scenarios in the game. People would actually have a reason to fight with and around the smoke.
Pox Bomber Smoke Overwrite. Currently, Smoke Grenades can conceal or partially conceal the AoE smoke effect caused by this special enemy. Smoke Grenades should negate Pox Bomber Smoke specifically within the AoE on detonation. This was suggested by @ElevatorEleven and I wish I’d thought of it much sooner because it’s so easy to balance and tinker with compared to my original suggestion of persistent tox bomber negation. I leave it to discussion whether Smoke Grenades should negate the Fire Bomber’s grenade as well, though I will say there seems to be support for that.
With the talent tree available to them, Vets can use grenades quite comfortably compared to other classes. These smoke grenade quirks would not only be useful but would be unique and compelling, giving the blitz a more interesting identity than its current iteration.
Anyway, I would like to see what others here think of all that’s been said. Thank you for reading.