Smite cannot regain last Empowered Psionics stack

Issue Type (Required):

Player Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

When using Smite with Empowered Psionics the buff stack is removed at the end of the cast instead of the beginning, this means that killing enemies with Smite while at full stacks cannot ever regain the stack used.

The stack should be able to raise to 4 or itshould be removed at the beginning of the cast.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

If I have 3 EP stacks and I start casting Smite no matter how many enemies I kill I will not be able to go above 3 stacks. At the end of the casting my stacks are reduced to 2.

If I have 1 stacks of EP, by the time I finish casting Smite I can be at 3 stacks that are then reduced to 2.

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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