I do wonder if FS added some zeroes here. It feels weird to me that with the cut on the grindiest achievements this requires 2500 kills by barrels.
I do wonder if the fire barrels count as well, as on damnation even horde types often survive explosive barrels.
It seems one of the grindiest penances they’ve added, considering the availability of barrels themselves and the fact that players might compete for them.
only the most low hp enemies will die to explosive barrels if you are playing on damnation. Fire barrels do not count for this penance and neither do the hanging explosive barrels.
Considering how far the barrels throw an ogryn, they should one-shot everything up to ragers/maulers. There aren’t any of them in the game to be a consistent damage mechanic anyway. And when there are barrels there aren’t any monsters or teammates blow them up for no reason.
Also it only counts the barrels you detonate personally, going against the team nature of the game once again. This penance alone has been the single most salt inducing thing in this entire game.
As an ogryn main, I use barrels to rocket jump.
As a Vet player, I use barrels to help my teammates rocket jump.
I think that this penance was not balanced around damnation gameplay.
I tested explosive barrel damage on heresy, and it does much more work there.
It is relatively easy to kill 8+ enemies with a barrel on heresy and below.
So playing on heresy or below makes this penance much easier.
That said, even if you are playing on lower difficulties anyway, the required number of barrel kills is probably still a bit too high.
I also find it surprising, that fire barrels are not included in this penance (they also have a much easier time killing things on lower difficulties).
I have no issue with penances that take a long time to complete, like “missions played” and “enemies killed”.
These basically serve as stat trackers for your account, and their cosmetic rewards allow you to show to other players, that you are an experienced player. I would not mind if those penances got additional top tiers added every few months (with new, slightly different portrait frames).
However, a penance for killing enemies with barrels, seems like it was intended to teach players to make use of barrels. But it does not take a person that long to learn to use them, so in that context, the kill requirement seems a bit high.
Especially when considering that better players will have a more difficult time completing this penance, since they will be playing on a difficulty where barrel explosions barely do anything to most enemies (they still get knocked over, but not killed).
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