Sister of the Thorn

Sure the “passive” hedges have their place and they are not useless by any means. I just think they get unduly outshone by bloodrazor thicket, but time will tell. It might be too early to make assumptions about that.
My main gripe though is radiant inheritance, a 15 second combat steroid thats basicaly a speed pot, strength pot and a shade ult in one. I really dont think this talent has a place on a support character because i think it makes her the srongest melee damage dealer in the game atm.


I indeed tested it at the keep. If it’s only like that there, then it’s my oversight. My apologies.

I should give you some credit because I believe it can still happen in certain areas where enemies cannot stand back up like steep terrain, similar to how bosses will just disappear when they get staggered into places they can’t stand.

Apologies in advance for posting score screens and being all “She’s OP!” in the thread.

But, yeah, I think she’s OP

Eternal Blossom + Smiter + Isha’s Bounty + Radiant Inheritance + Morai-Heg’s Doomsight + Blackvenom Thicket + Dual Swords + Javelin. Was twitch mode, had 4 bosses and 3 of them were 2 phase trolls in Hunger in the Dark

Man, it just feels weird. It looks weird. Even if I had strength pots and shrapnel those numbers don’t look right at all.

This was with Pale Queen’s Choosing + Bloodrazor Thicket instead of Blackvenom with Glaive and Hagbane. 4 monsters + lord in Warcamp (no trolls). I didn’t solo anything I just played the class with all of its power stacking. Even with strength potions and Twitch mode’s boons, it still feels weird.

Is it only just Radiant Inheritance? She’s stacking so much power!

It was fun, but also holy crap!


Not only that, it’d ruin being able to cast thornwalls and decide when to proc the Radiance combat boost talent (Radiant Inheritance) separately.

I feel yes and no on this. I liked the GK challenges, on OE there were several that just didn’t fit the mechanics of his weapons (e.g. land 30 hits on bosses with alt fire, I got this one when it was still thirty but it was cheesy, it doesn’t fit such an inaccurate firing mode, and the twenty headshots in a row was annoying with a windup weapon).

I find it a shame the portrait frame is given automatically, that should’ve stayed challenge related (the one you get for doing all the SotT challenges is a lesser tier portrait frame, lol), but I actually like having it this way around with the DLC than having bad challenges (again, OE, GK had good challenges if a bit easy). I like getting shillings - imo it would feel a lot better if they awarded 20 per challenge or more so you can actually unlock cool stuff by doing the challenges, 10 is a mere two dailies or a fifth of a weekly. Most ideal would be scaling the amount based on challenge difficulty + how long the challenge will take to feasibly unlock.

The headgear colours not matching is egregious considering this has long been an issue with the game and the dlc adds not one but three skins (the red, blue and black ones) where the hats don’t really fit the colour scheme. It doesn’t look terrible since the colours work okay together but the helmet gem doesn’t fit the armour gems (in glow intensity or colour) and I’d still rather have the option to have the colours match.

Agreed except MS xD, I know, I know, there are people that like MS and it is at least a good amount, but I am solidly not one of them. The other three boosts are all great individually, together they’re crazy.

Aside from Bloodrazor Thicket which everyone seems to be using, Repel is an incredibly fun and handy talent. Did a Chaos Wastes run with Radiant Inheritance + Repel + Blackvenom Thicket (got Incandescence later), in the Citadel of Eternity you can push absolute tons of enemies off and to their deaths. And the thorn walls on the final platform mean you can funnel them along the inner edges and shove them off too. Ungor archers can just be bullied by walling and shoving them (as those bastards deserve).


I mean I killed a CW that was jumping the broken bridge on Halescourge like that (he fell in the water) ; but that’s circumstantial.

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SoT is a bit passive for my taste. A few too many talents and the passive ability all just help the player get to press f more. I do like Repel though. Crit/headshot thp was a welcome surprise.

I still can’t quite get how they haven’t fixed this yet.

I just watched a video of Sister killing a C3 rat ogre in 10s, and a video of killing a rat ogre in 10s in regular Cataclysm with just an ability and basic longbow shots.


I haven’t used the career much myself but I can say bots will delete specials with bloodrazor thicket, which is nice. Having tried it in the keep my eyes got quite large when I saw the DOT on that thing. Seems to do like a couple hundred total damage at least? Which is like a grail knight ult but marginally slower and an AOE.

I want to choose ten second walls because that seems worth it, but that kind of dps is hard to turn down. Especially when high dps kinda does everything a wall does and then some.

20% increased damage on wall collapse doesn’t seem competitive with either but I have a poor sense for those kinds of figures.

Have you tried playing her with critbuild&dual swords/spear?

I didnt feel very passive doing that.^^

You wouldnt happen to be able to share it? I cant figure out how to do the longbow thing .c


hmm i can manage with ~12 seconds if i also use a shrapnel grenade,potion and charged shots. regular C triple C

I’ve tried a variety of builds. By passive, I mean portions of the base kit and several talents rely on what teammates do to get noteworthy value.

Can we for one, just for once, all agree that at least one thing here (Radiant Inheritance) is completely broken and needs a nerf in less than seven days (actually better less than 24 hours)?

I mean there should be multiple ways to “balance” this fast: longer downtime, less bonus, shorter duration, all of them. Or maybe FS has another talent in the backhand for this.

Other stuff can be discussed too. But this one thing should be obvious for everyone to be broken beyond help. Agree? Just once?


Yeah I’ve got no idea how that even goes live honestly, it’s just so obviously broken. Way way better than basically all ults in the game, without any downsides at all. It should at the very least be a 30 talent that replaces your ult somehow, outside toning down the absurd numbers.


I am not sure. Sometimes I think they run a test with a far weaker version which is actually slightly below balance or already balanced but some people complain for it being to weak/niche. And Fatshark reacts like:

Year later, “Inheritance loses its 30 % movement speed: We thought that the career was too mobile so we decided to nerf it”.
Seriously I first thought it was a joke when I read those numbers but honestly I would be extremely surprised if the career gets any changes early on.


The whole “crit stacks on ability use” comes to mind when you state this but she can activate it on her own too which doesnt seem quite right if calling her team reliant to get anything.

She also has the level 30 option that makes her ability turn into something like a blast+bleed which is also pretty direct.

So well yeah i suppose that if you are using her walls rather than the eruption she leans to the more passive side but she can be built to be really aggressive too i´d say.

I’ve been treating it like a 2nd ult.
It just needs a numbers tweak.
Currently: 30% movement speed, 20% attack speed, 50% power, 20% crit chance and a 40% finesse buff.

A portion of them numbers can be moved around into other talents and some just straight up halved.
Surge of Malice: 5% additional attack speed
Isha’s Bounty: 1 additional power stack
Atharti’s Delight: 10% passive crit chance
Repel: Repel pushes grant 30% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Radiant Inheritance toned down to:
20% power, 40% finesse buff, 10% crit chance and 10% attack speed.

That’s just my take, I think spreading some of that “power” around her kit would be wise and make for competitive level 10 choices. + Repel could be a little better imo.

And you don’t see a problem even with these numbers? Remember this talent competes with 2 other choices and generally other careers do not get such a power boost from a single talent, especially from one that is not a level 30 one.

Also the way you want to shift power is completely unnecessary. Surge of malice and Isha’s bounty due to way her career works could be considered permanent 15 % attack speed or 15 % power and you want to give them even more stats?


Most of the kit has no impact on the way a player approaches combat save for Repel. For directly passive components, Doom has a significant passive part, as does A Sustenance of Leechlings and The Pale Queen’s Choosings (fixed timer that the player has no influence over). There are also two talents that are dedicated to getting to ult more instead of having any interesting mechanics. Incandescence lets the player press f once more. Hekarti’s Cruel Bargain lets the player press f more, with SoT not having to kill the elites. A Cluster of Radiants is another fixed timer.

This is not a balance argument I’m making, in case anyone is wondering.