Listen fatshark, every update you do at LEAST one irrational thing that makes no sense and angers like half your fanbase then scramble to find something to calm it back down. Something’s wrong with your development cycle’s focus. and the recent chance to the vet skills is the smoking gun that it’s likely your testing staff at fault.
Show us their playthrough for this new map. I want to see how they play, if it’s normal then fine. if it’s a bunch of weird gimmicky crazies who didn’t bother to try testing how things work in a normal team, then you can let them go and find someone useful. this is a mess to look at and shouldn’t have shipped.
I’m sorry, but I’m going to need to see a good sample size of runs (like 20 minimum) on auric maelstrom. And I’m going to need bios of every tester, preferably with detailed information (K/D ratio on at least 3 of the most popular competitive shooters from the last two decades…I’m willing to be quite flexible here).
And, just so we’re clear, no matter what this shows I’ll still say you devs don’t play the game.
Truthfully I find the new map quite doable, if not too intense.
At any moment there’s a continuos influx of enemies, spending 20+ minutes in that high alert state is not really fun, more breakes throughout the run would be welcome IMO.
I’ve done it 5 times now, at normal Damnation. Even using the quickplay function it seems it’s the only map running toight…
The final showdown is a bit of a mess and not really my cup of tea.
In all fairness, they just needed to add keystones, not change the whole bloody tree into buff-spaghetti. We didnt expect them to go crazy go stupid and start arbitrarily nerfing the class. Someone in Stockholm was sleepin on the job.
Don’t really play vet so can’t comment on the changes but tried vet on the new map and got the final penance for not taking any damage to get the trinket and got the vet skin (but only on T3 or T4 so not so hard).
The new map was fun on damn and auric with my main but have they done something to ai across the board they seem more agressive then before.
thougt it would be canon to the story that the goons in the carnival took 40k ritalin but seems like it’s like this on all maps
You and I both know we’re going to get four dudes who don’t actively play the game slowly fumbling their way through an uprising mission with all the finesse of that one game “Journalist” who struggled to complete the Cuphead Tutorial level.
I don’t normally agree with you on a lot of things, but here, yeah, there’s something screwy going on with playtesting…if there’s any playtesting happening at all.
As a dev, I can tell you we are usually guilty of not playing the game as much as we should.
When you spend 8h a day working on it, unless you are paid to playtest it (which not all companies do), you usually aren’t gonna spend your free time one what is usually a pretty bug ridden experience.
I wish we had open beta server to download and test builds before big patch days. Other games I play have it. Elder Scrolls Online, Planetside 2, Guild Wars 2.
I bet if we assembled the CM Ultimate “Design Intent” team you’d be running for your life. Catfish alone probably solo’s Damnation Auric every day as a morning routine. You can’t even begin to compete.
Most UTubers and other empty drums (Steam, Discord) need to be ignored by both the devs and the fanbase, most of them seem to be clueless as to how matches actually play out, especially at the higher diffs with random groups.
The empty drums often just regurgitate “content” simply for the sake of having put something out there, YT especially.
I’ve seen some very questionable advice on weapons/builds/whatever go “viral” and take a looong time to die off, in this game and others.