I’d love to see different MK of Shotguns with special Ammo - 40K Lore has a lot in Stock:
- Executioner shell: well that would be overpoweres as it would be lore-correctly a fire and forget - perhaps i’d work with a BB-like mechanic - the Cogitator need to log on
- Ignitus Shotgun/ Inferno Shell: applies Burn to targets
- Solid slugs: very high single Target (perhaps as a special)
- Stun Shell: perhaps as a speacial
- Gas Rounds: for Cover breaking (according to lore they would act as mini gas-grenades doing DoT)
- Flechet Shells: light Dmg, higher range, applying DoT (poison)
- …
And that is not Astartes Ammo though
And with that release an Arbites Cosmetic Pack