I wouldn’t say a difficult problem.
It’s more a “depend on your own skill” - Situation.
I’ve no problem with less skilled ppl , but whatever happened that 3 of 4 are dead , probably should end the run.
Wrong decisions, low experience , low skill , no teamplay… those are just a few reasons to kill a coop-experience.
Some ppl should know their own skill and should practice in lower difficulties a bit more. Especially if they try a new career. That would prevent a lot more runs from the “lone wolf” situation.
1 Boss is probably easier than 2 hookrat + 2 assassins at the same time.
Next to some HM even the “i’ll run and rescue all of you” mostly ends in a wipe… The boss won’t let you revive someone… of you got it, there is still a boss + horde + pulled map etc. If more than 1 player dies, fall back as far as you can , so those will probably spawn in a safezone in front of the wall.
So actually it’s mostly up to the players to prevent such situations. FS have to balance the game itself and can’t look at situations like " the players fault".
Well, the Pit is the best map I’ve played so far in all of vermintide. Edit: And now that I played the second one, add that too the list. Well done, folks.
But the visuals?
The game looks like a cheap console port now.
The problem, that you get with this is, that you differentiate between one situation, which relies on skill and another, which also relies on skill.
It relies on skill to not get killed, when you get boss+hordes+specials, but it also requires skill to face this all alone. When you are able to successfully kite a boss, let him kill the mob or do it all by yourself, while having specials targeting you, you should be able to complete the map. With the barriers you will always be restricted, even if you are able to do that.
Another thing is the thrill you get, when you successfully mastered this situation alone or with only one other player left. When you only have the boss left, you may not be able to proceed, because chaos spawn or troll heal too fast. In another situation you are completely alone and are able to dogde dance and hit the boss but it takes forever to kill him.
To revive someone with a boss present, there are dozens of techniques to do it, including using skills while reviving and using ledges or ladders to your advantage.
I like the idea, the only problem I see with that would be, that you then have situations were you have to face the boss in the locations of the bridge of shadows. I don’t know, if that would work out for every map.
One thing I have to say: Props to you guys at FS to listen to criticism regarding weapons and overall performance of the game. All is much improved. I am giving you alot of sh*t (and I won’t stop anytime soon), but I give credit where credit is due.
If youre able to manage all that stuff , the barrier shouldn’t be a real problem + the troll got a nerf and the most weapons a buff.
As long as “speedrun” classes exists, the barrier is quite necessary.
I’ve got no problems with speedruns solo, but like i said… especially HM’s ultimate is just broken… It’s so sad to watch a whole team wiping, but the HM runs away and can finish the run / rezz ppl with no skill or difficulties.
But how should FS balance this correctly? I think the barrier is actually the best decision as long as they won’t fix high mobility/stealth.
I would even say , that only bosses or maybe 20monks can wipe a good party. Thrash hordes + specials arent enough. The idea with the Bridge of shadows is awesome , but still “buffs” HM hard again in proper situations.
I don’t know what people you are playing with. I have never had any kind of HM-speedrunners just going trololol and just go out of their ways to finish runs without any skill and stuff like that. I don’t know, this whole issue sounds pretty non-existent and theoretical.
Nobody have to go trololol…just read carefully.
If the Situation comes boss + horde + specials whatever and 3 guys died, a HM can easily finish the map or go in to rescue the rest of the party. The slayer could outrun the mobs too, but he got no stealth.
Every other class have to fight the way long or have to kite like a god. HM? Pick the stealthtrait or cdr and F F F F F F F… this surviveability is a gamebreaking tool. You could even kill the whole map with the bleeding…
So, if we get those new cosmetics in the beta, we will still have them after beta is done even if we don’t buy the DLC? That’s really cool, although I will probably buy the DLC if the game itself runs better after this patch.
You really do enjoy being condescending, do you? How about you read again what I wrote and stop being so incredibly full of yourself.
Considering I played a couple of rounds with you the past few days, there really isn’t much base for your constant boasting.
You are simply grossly overexaggerating almost any issue there might be and blow them out of proportion. According to you, almost anything is “game-breaking”. For the love of Sigmar, take a chill pill and stop being so overly dramatic.
HM has a good kit, no question, but the assumption this whole boss-door-fiasco is in place just to combat that is ludicrous. The boss-doors are are crude crutch towards a superfluous issue that provides a very crude solution to it. I would be somewhat okay with it if it was ensured people always spawned on your side of the door.
I don’t know, maybe I am playing with all the right people because I have never had about 90% of the issues. Considering I play almost exclusively with pubs, I highly doubt that.
She literally has a talent that REWARDS her being the last one alive. The game deliberately encourages you to make her a clutch-character. How is it gamebreaking if the concept is literally intended within the game?
i’ve never done any beta testing before. i noticed i can’t buy the dlc yet. so do i not need to own the dlc to play the beta? and how is beta’s progression linked to live (since u mentioned its mine to keep ?_?)
You can download the beta now and play it even though the DLC isn’t out yet and you haven’t bought it. By participating in beta you will get to try all the new content, and all the progress you make (leveling, items, etc.) will be saved and won’t be lost when the beta is done.
As @Angerblaze said, you can play the beta without owning the DLC and get to keep your progress. You get to preview the maps and any changes the patch will bring. There is a small caveat, though: It’s still a beta test, so not everything is quite polished (as is evident from the relevant forum section), and while in no way forced, it’s at least courteous to report your findings here, be it buggy stuff, awesome stuff or just something you feel is strange.
I like the style of the console UI and some things are quite more useful than in the pc one.
If you make this just a little bit more pc friendly (by showing things that usually only pop up on activation by default/selected/hovering) it will easily out class the Vermintide 2 ui and maybe even beat the Vermintide 1 ui.
And console hud get’s persistent ammo counter as default. This hud/ui needs another name and fast. (peasant superiority can not be acknowledged)
Oh reading truly is worth it. Controller … now that’s good I like it.