I’ve been using warp unbound a fair bit and haven’t had this happen. Have you tried this across multiple loadouts? If not what weapons are you using when this has happened to you?
Tagging another (I think?) Warp Unbound fan here to see if they’ve experienced this or have any ideas what could be causing it in your case @Gideon404
I normally play in NA but if I’m on EU servers it seems to happen 50/50 if I’m too aggressive with my warp attacks immediately when I hit 100%. When my friend from Australia joins me on NA servers it’s much more likely to happen to them. Best way to avoid it is wait half a second when you hit 100% for the server to register that you’re in the scrier’s cooldown period.
If it’s happening when you’re spamming primary fire/LMB, I’ve had that happen too, but only when I’m firing at the end of Scrier’s Gaze. I think (read: baseless guessing) that it might happen when you input an attack right as Scrier’s ends at 100% peril, but technically before the buff from Scrier’s is applied. That would be consistent with my experience with the bug, and (imo) with ping affecting the occurence rate of the bug that others are reporting.
Oh that does make sense with how the game buffers your inputs. If you try to attack right away there’s a bigger timeframe for it to read and then use that input on the first frame it can.
Yeah, I am not sure about the technical details, but that sounds like what’s causing the issue to me.
I think the best solution would be to have Warp Unbound’s effect be a seperate buff/effect with a 10 second timer that gets refreshed during Scrier’s and a final time when the lingering effect gets applied. That way there is no window of time when you can accidentally blow yourself up due to netcode buffering issues.
Has anybody had this happen for anything other than primary fire? I’ve been playing with surge with warp unbound a fair bit but mostly do charged right clicks with it (warp flurry + warp Nexus + warp unbound is very fun) and have yet to have this happen to me.
Same problem, playing on gamepass ultimate, been playing with new build around assail and warp unbound, had several instances when after activating it got blown up before 10 second run out, 1-2 tumes instant blow up after scriers gaze and assail generated 100% peril.
It can happen with any Scrier’s Gaze build, with & without Warp Unbound, online, offline and with any peril generation action where it’s possible to blow up.
You only need very tight timing.