Issue Summary: I was playing as Bounty Hunter on the Pit yesterday (joined through QP, don’t have the DLC) and ran into a CW. Ultimate was on cooldown, but with just a few seconds left, I decided to hold out and wait for the finisher. I started spamming F in the last two seconds while franctically backpedaling (no dodge). The Ultimate bar filled up, Saltz pulled his gun and… didn’t fire. I kept mashing F, but nothing happened, besides the CW finally putting me down with an overhead swing. Party members arrive to revive and as I get up, I notice the Ultimate pistol is still visible in the left hand. I tried firing it, but it didn’t work. Tried switching weapons with Q, but in the first few attempts, it brought up the melee weapon, before the Ultimate gun turned into an Ultimate hand (the pistol turned invisible). A bit more mashing and the melee weapon was finally available. After scoring a few kills with it, I could once again reliably switch to my regular ranged weapon.
Throughout the run, I didn’t notice any lag or latency related issues (I wasn’t the host), but nevertheless, I don’t discount the possibility that I was already downed by the CW on the host and just received the info late.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Quickly tap F seconds before the Ultimate bar is filled up.
- Have the gun out, but without the shot firing. Get stuck in the position without other weapons available.
- No idea how to reproduce, only happened once (only had time for a single run yesterday).
Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Rare (< 10%)
Unusual (< 25%)
Common (< 50%)
Often (< 75%)
Constant (100%)
Additional Information:
Sorry, I’m at work, can’t upload anything. Maybe it was a one-time bug, but what if it isn’t?