Bounty Hunter and Slayer Ult Bug

Issue Summary: Bounty Hunter and Slayer Ult Bug
Bounty Hunte Ult Bug:
When pressing alt-fire with repeater pistol and ult at the same time will cause the animation to bug out. You will end up with no weapon visible in your hand but still showing the stretched arm of the ult animation making you unable to swing melee weapons or shoot ranged weapons
Ulting again will fix the bug though

Slayer Ult Bug:
When ulting with Slayer it sometimes happens that the jumping animation gets bugged. You will only be able to jump half height after the bug occurs. Ulting again will fix the bug though

Steps to Reproduce BH Ult Bug:

  1. Equip Repeater Pistol
  2. Press Alt-Fire and Ultimate button at the same time

Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Unusual (< 25%)

Steps to Reproduce Slayer Ult Bug:

  1. Use the Slayer Ult to leap
  2. Press Ultimate and Jump button at the same time

Reproduction Rate (Choose One):
Unusual (< 25%)

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