(This is the first post I’ve made on the forums, so I apologize if this isn’t as well-written.)
I have a first-world problem. I have a stable income, I’m easily able to pay my bills on time, and have little to no debt to worry about currently. Simply put, I make enough money to live a healthy and happy lifestyle and still have money left to spend on whatever I want (within reason of course). This isn’t meant to be a flex of wealth, this is just an explanation of my current situation. (I promise it is very relevant to the discussion).
A while ago, a friend bought me Darktide, and I fell absolutely in love with the game. It very well may be my favorite videogame ever. One of the things I like the most about the game is the customization for your operators. I can look at almost every cosmetic in the game for whatever class and instantly like it. Furthermore, I want to support the development of Darktide in any little way I can. I’ve especially liked the vast majority of recent changes/updates to the game, and I want to show that I like the direction the game is going by further supporting it.
Thus, for me personally, spending money on the cosmetics in the Commodore’s Vestures is a win-win situation. With any purchase I make, I actively support the development of the game while getting more customization for my operator’s appearances. I do not take issue with the fact that the items in the Commodore’s Vestures cost real money, nor do I take issue with the pricing of the items. Note that that is simply my opinion on the subject. You’re more than welcome to disagree.
To summarize, I actively want to spend money that I can reasonably and responsibly spend on supporting the development of Darktide.
The problem is that
I can’t.
The Commodore’s Vestures shop rotates one page worth of items every two weeks. Furthermore, the shop only appears to have three or four pages of items available for purchase at any given time. I could buy out the entire inventory of the store in less than two minutes at any point in time. Concisely, the issue is that there simply aren’t enough items available for purchase in the cosmetics store at any given time. I literally cannot spend money that I want to spend on the game because the vast majority of premium items aren’t available. I’m not saying that you aren’t allowed to have limited time items, but making every single premium item in the game limited time is arguably absurd.
There are two solutions I can offer for this problem as I’m certain I’m not the only player who feels this way. Firstly (arguably the more preferable option), all premium items should be available for purchase in the store at any given time. As stated before, a few limited time items here and there is absolutely fine. But the majority of items should be available for players to purchase if they want to. Second (most likely the easier option), there should be more than just three or four pages of items available for purchase at any given time. I would say ten or eleven pages is a far more reasonable number, but I may be biased.
Do note that I don’t write this out of any type of spite for Fatshark. I personally think they’ve done a fantastic job with Darktide. I simply wish to provide feedback on a part of the game that I find very lacking so that it (hopefully) is improved in the future. I realize I’m probably not the first person to discuss this topic, but I figured that no change will be seen if the problem isn’t discussed. Feel free to disagree with anything and everything I’ve written if you wish.
Thank you for reading.
TLDR: The current state of the Commodore’s Vestures is lacking and does not allow players to support the devlopment of Darktide as much as they would like to.